religious liberty

Photo gallery: “Let’s Talk Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty”

Members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod attended the “Let’s Talk Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty” conference on Sept. 8-10 in Washington, D.C.

Official Joint Statement: Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri Synod Lutherans stand against sale of baby parts

The LCMS and the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis released a joint statement Oct. 6 denouncing Planned Parenthood’s purported harvesting of organs from aborted babies for medical research.

NALC, LCMS reps address biblical authority, contemporary issues

Leaders of the Synod and the North American Lutheran Church meet Sept. 9-10 in St. Louis, continuing discussions that began in late 2011.

‘Free to be Faithful’ sponsors essay contest for college students

Those chosen as “Free to be Faithful young adult ambassadors” will be asked to attend a Sept. 8-10 conference in Washington, D.C.

Daily News: The Battle of Indiana and the Promise of Battles to Come

“The battle is not between gay rights and religious liberty—although religious liberty is certainly at stake—but between the sexual revolution and Christianity itself.”

Students prevail in snowplow-painting dispute

Two awards announced Dec. 17 by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty have put two LCMS schools back in the spotlight for an incident that took place in October.

Manhattan Declaration leader encourages LCMS Lutherans

Eric Teetsel heads a movement with 545,000 supporters that promotes religious liberty, marriage and life issues.

Tired of Hobby Lobby?

You’re tired of hearing about Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court. But even though you are tired, even though you’ve grown weary of having the same discussions about the same points, Hobby Lobby and fines and health-care plans still matter. They matter because your country – the United States of America – was founded on the principle that you were born with certain rights: the rights to seek and follow truth, to live according to your beliefs, to worship freely.