Praesidium adopts report on LCMS-ELCA working relationships

By David L. Mahsman The Praesidium of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod is recommending to this year’s Synod convention that current LCMS working relationships with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America be continued. At the same time, the Praesidium — the Synod’s…

CCM: Not necessary to withdraw 8 opinions

By Joe Isenhower Jr. The Synod’s Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM) March 22 reaffirmed its eight opinions that the Board of Directors last year said are “of no effect.”  The commission added that the resolutions by which the Board made…

Gus Melde dies; former Int`l LLL president

Dr. Gus Melde, a one-time president of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL) and member of the Synod Board of Directors, died April 4 at a Dallas hospital, from heart failure and an acute infection resulting from diabetes. A memorial…

Pastor: Hoax is indication of pain on campus

By Paula Schlueter Ross The case of Audrey Seiler, the University of Wisconsin sophomore who faked her own abduction in late March, is just one example of the deep emotional pain a number of students are experiencing on today’s college…

People in the News

Dr. Robert Rosin, chairman of the historical theology department at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, has accepted a part-time assignment with LCMS World Mission, beginning this summer. While Rosin, 53, will continue teaching at the seminary half time, he also will…

Blind Mission moves toward independence

Lutheran Blind Mission is moving out from under the auspices of LCMS World Mission and becoming an independent mission society May 1.  Although it will continue to receive partial funding from the mission board for two years, Lutheran Blind Mission…

Western fire victims still `sifting ashes`

Although it’s been six months since massive wildfires burned about 750,000 acres and destroyed more than 3,600 houses in Southern California, relief workers say that some people there are still searching for lost belongings. “In fact, some people are still sifting through…

Williams, Gehrke receive 2004 honors from LEA

Judy Williams and Dennis Gehrke were named 2004 Lutheran Education Association (LEA) Distinguished Lutheran Early Childhood Director and Distinguished Lutheran Principal, respectively, during LEA’s national administrators conference March 21 in Orlando. Williams is minister to families with young children at…

TV special includes Paul Maier

April 5 ABC-TV special includes commentary from Paul Maier Dr. Paul L. Maier is among commentators in a three-hour ABC-TV special focusing on Jesus Christ and St. Paul, scheduled to air 8-11 p.m. (ET), Monday, April 5. The program, hosted…