Delegates request study of lay deacon program

HOUSTON – Study “of the situations currently served by licensed lay deacons to determine whether there continues to be a genuine need” was requested July 18 by delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.The study would…

Buegler presents Bible study

HOUSTON—In Bible study July 19, Synod Fifth Vice President David D. Buegler, speaking to the theme of the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, urged delegates to boldly share the message of Christ’s love with others. The convention…

2010 convention to return to Houston; Funding encouraged for Hispanic Studies

HOUSTON – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will return to Houston for its 2010 convention, following action by the convention that concluded business here on July 19. The 63rd Regular Convention of the 2.6 million-member church body met July 14-19 in…

Convention OKs bylaw change re: seminary boards of regents

HOUSTON – Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod today (July 19) approved a resolution (5-03A) allowing boards of regents of the two LCMS seminaries to appoint up to four additional voting members. The seminary boards…

Delegates encourage sabbaticals, military ministry

HOUSTON – Delegates encouraged congregations to offer sabbaticals for their workers and encouraged ministry to armed forces personnel and their families in two resolutions passed July 19 by the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. As they adopted…

Delegates adopt proposals on structure, governance

HOUSTON – Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted four final resolutions July 19 offered by the Floor Committee for Synod Structure and Governance.  Those resolutions addressed matters such as rebuke of public sin and…

Delegates OK ‘terminology,’ doctrinal-review changes to Bylaws

HOUSTON – Delegates to the 63rd Regular LCMS Convention approved some changes and “tweaking” to two Synod Bylaws with action on lengthy resolutions offered by the Floor Committee for Planning and Administration. The action finished the work of that committee…

Convention takes action re: partner churches, priesthood of believers, campus ministry, mission development, LHM

HOUSTON – Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted six missions-related resolutions on the final day of business (July 19). Two were related to the Synod’s 30 “partner” church bodies worldwide: • Res. 1-10 asks all…

Convention delegates complete balloting

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod completed elections for all positions today (July 18). The results are listed by board or commission: Board for Black Ministry Services(1 ordained minister, 1 commissioned minister, 1 layperson)Ordained minister:Samuel…

Outreach ‘a’ priority, not ‘the’ priority in church-worker training, say delegates

HOUSTON — A resolution to “encourage and direct” Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod universities and seminaries to make “outreach to the lost” a top priority in their training of professional church workers was adopted July 17 by delegates to the Synod’s 63rd…

Delegates encourage stewardship renewal

HOUSTON – Delegates encouraged stewardship renewal, especially through enhanced communication, as they considered resolutions on program and finance July 17 at the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The resolution follows the report issued last year by the…

Delegates adopt three worship-related resolutions

HOUSTON – Three worship-related resolutions were adopted by delegates to the Synod’s 63rd Regular Convention here July 17 as Floor Committee 2 for District and Congregational Services offered its resolutions for the first time. Although there was some debate on…

King speaks of life, death at memorial service

HOUSTON — Professional church workers who died during the past triennium were commemorated during a service of thanksgiving July 18 at the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Dr. Robert H. King, current LCMS fourth vice president, spoke…

International LLL President addresses convention

HOUSTON – International LLL President Jack Kidwell brought greetings to the assembled delegates during the morning session today (July 18). “The convention theme of . . . One Message: Christ . . . is a tremendous reminder of why we…

Convention encourages congregations to practice close(d) communion

HOUSTON — Congregations that allow open communion were encouraged to return to “faithful communion practices by practicing close(d) communion” in a resolution passed July 18 at the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The encouragement came in an…

Hewitt brings greetings from Thrivent

HOUSTON — Brad Hewitt, senior vice president of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, brought greetings on July 18 from the fraternal organization to delegates at the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.  Noting that Thrivent was founded by Lutherans…