This month’s “From the Mission Field” update comes from the Rev. Andrew Fedder, LCMS missionary to Romania.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Thank you all for your prayers and so many emails asking about our situation. We remain in Bucharest, Romania, about 90 miles from the border with Ukraine, and we feel safe here. As most of you know, originally my family and I were slated to move to Ukraine and teach there. In that year or so of preparations, we fell in love with Ukraine. Every report of a new attack or bombing rips our hearts to pieces.
During these times, I am thankful for the cross. We are told that Jesus is the icon, or image, of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). We see that image most clearly in the Crucifixion. With images of war, strife and death being fed to us 24/7, we can forget God’s deep love for humanity. But at the cross we see the reality. Our Creator loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us. If He loves us so much as to die for us, He surely won’t abandon us. What’s more, it is comforting to remember that the God who created and sustains the universe, the God who holds all of us in His hands, is the same God who died on the cross out of love for us.
Many of you have asked how you can help. We all want to do something to help, and for the Confessional Lutheran Church in Romania, the focus is on helping refugees. All the Romanian pastors are assisting in the effort. Megan and I have also opened our home and hope to be able to provide refuge to the wife and daughter of a dear Ukrainian colleague. Some of our supporters have even wanted to come and aid the refugees with us. This is a noble desire, but currently there are plenty of local Romanian volunteers and government workers assisting the refugees.
So, what can you do? Most importantly, pray! Please continue to keep Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in your prayers, pray for the families separated by this war, and pray for those providing aid. Pray also for the Russians, both for the poor conscripts sent to the front and for their leaders. And if you want and are able, please visit lcms.org/ukraine for more ways to help.
Christ bless you all,
Pastor Andrew Fedder
Learn more about the Fedder family’s missionary work.
Posted March 24, 2022