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LCMS Communications

Feed My Lambs – Bible Study

The purpose of the five-session study is to explore how members of the body of Christ demonstrate love and compassion to people in need as an expression of faith.

Photo gallery: Raising Church Workers for Tanzania

In March, 21 new pastoral candidates were ordained and seven deaconesses were commissioned in a service with more than 1,000 worshipers at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania — South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese’s (ELCT-SELVD) Ebenezer Cathedral in Shinyanga.

Photo gallery: 2016 Walk for Life in San Francisco

LCMS Lutherans gathered in San Francisco on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016, for the Walk for Life West Coast, which was held to remember the value and worth of each child — born or unborn.

Photo gallery: 2016 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

LCMS Lutherans gathered in the Washington, D.C. area on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, to remember the value and worth of each child — born or unborn. A Divine Worship service was held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Va., and participants went to the March for Life in Washington.

KFUO Audio: Free to be Faithful interview with Tim Goeglein

Timothy Goeglein, vice-president of External Relations for Focus on the Family in Washington, D.C., and Worldwide KFUO radio host Kip Allen on Jan. 20 discuss current events surrounding the pro-life movement and religious liberty.

LCMS Worship: Suggestions for 2016 midweek Lenten services

It is a worthy practice to devote time during the season of Lent to meditate extensively upon the Passion of our Lord. The following suggestions are framed around the reading of the Passion according to St. Luke, combined with an Old Testament reading emphasis upon God’s vindication of “the innocent sufferer.”

Table Devotions for Lent

LCMS Worship offers the following as brief table devotions during the Lenten season.

Photo gallery: LCMS responds to December 2015 floods

Volunteers from the International Center of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, LCMS Disaster Response, and New Beginnings Lutheran Church in Pacific, Mo., were among those cleaning up flood-damaged homes in Fenton, Mo., on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016.

Photo gallery: Service of Sending for new national missionaries

The Rev. Peter Burfeind and the Rev. Adam DeGroot were blessed and sent out as the first two “Mission Field: USA” national missionaries during a service on Jan. 12, 2016, at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis, Mo.

Photo gallery: LCMS responds to flooding in Watseka, Ill.

Volunteers converge at Calvary Lutheran Church in Watseka, Ill., to clean flood-damaged homes on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016. In December 2015, a large flood ravaged a large swath of the town.

KFUO Audio: Interview about worship for the military

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Chaplain Craig Muehler about worship for those serving in the military.

KFUO Audio: Interview about January 22 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Tracy Quaethem, manager of LCMS Life and Health Ministries, about the March for Life scheduled for Jan. 22, 2016, in Washington, D.C.

KFUO Audio: Interview about deaconess programs in Nigeria, Lithuania

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Deaconess Grace Rao, director of LCMS Deaconess Ministry, about the deaconess programs in Nigeria and Lithuania.

KFUO Audio: Interview about January 2016 March for Life events

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Rev. Christopher Esget, Tracy Quaethem, Stephanie Neugebauer and Rev. Michael Salemink about the upcoming January 2016 March for Life events in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco.

Pastoral Education – January 2016

Starting in 2016, every pastor in the LCMS will have an opportunity to begin work on his continuing education portfolio toward participating in qualified continuing education experiences that will enhance his service to the church.

Photo gallery: LWML presents grant checks to LCMS ministry leaders

Shelley Moeller, vice-president of Gospel Outreach for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, presented grant checks to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and its ministry leaders on Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the International Center in Kirkwood, Mo.