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LCMS Communications

`Pressure Points` with Dr. Bruce Hartung (Sept. 2004)

Q: Our church treasurer and I, the church president, write to ask this question.  Our giving will be a little down by the end of the year and our expenses will be up.  We are a small church.  Most of…

Stewardship posts parish fund-raising guidelines

After getting what he calls “a fair amount of inquiry,” Rev. Larry Reinhardt developed and has now posted on the Web a set of guidelines for congregational fund-raising activities. Reinhardt is director of outreach and stewardship ministry with LCMS District and…

CPH releases Small Catechism for children

My First Catechism, an illustrated version of Luther’s Small Catechism for children, is now available from Concordia Publishing House. The 128-page hardcover book addresses the Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, confession, books of the Bible, the church…

Items wanted, available (Sept.)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted What an Altar Guild Should Know by…

Requests for reinstatement (Sept.)

KRISTEN M. DAMROW, Neosho, Wis.; CAROLYN R. GAST, Shelby Township, Mich.; MARY HEINE, Ft. Morgan, Colo.; JENNIFER M. KAYSER, Mount Clemens, Mich.; ALAN C. KLAAS, Maywood, Ill.; JOAN E. LUKER, Houston, Texas; CONNIE D. MEYER, Seward, Neb.; VICKI J. NOVOTNY,…

Positions (Sept.)

Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, seeks a full-time editor of music/worship materials.  The editor will cooperatively edit, develop and market essential products including attendant music products, Lutheran Service Book, companion editions, and Creative Worship for the Lutheran Parish. Duties include…

Dittmer on youth gathering: `You can be proud of your kids`

By Joe Isenhower Jr. “You can be proud of your kids.  They’re living out their faith.” That’s the message that “always comes back,” said Rev. Terry Dittmer as he talked about the ninth National LCMS Youth Gathering, July 24-28 in Orlando, Fla. Dittmer…

Altar, painting of Christ survive church fire

The undamaged altar and an oil painting of Christ in Gethsemane above it “stood out like a beacon” as a bulldozer tore down the charred walls of the 117-year-old sanctuary of Zion Lutheran Church in Wenona, Ill. “It reminded us…

Thrivent gives $1.4 million for 18 Synod projects

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is giving a $1,424,600 grant this year that will fund 18 projects of Synod boards, commissions and other national ministries. Amounts allocated from the grant range from $6,000 for meetings of Synod leaders who prioritized the…

August 2004

Low batteries I empathize with the pastor whose letter appeared in the June “Pressure Points” column.   If I may offer some advice in addition to that offered by Dr. Bruce Hartung, it would be as follows: First, be assured that…

Items wanted (August)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted The Lutheran Hymnal, 30-50 red or blue…

Requests for reinstatement (August)

CHARLES B. BISHOP, Green Bay, Wis.; STEPHEN HAKES, Norfolk, Neb.; LEROY M. HANSEN, Winston-Salem, N.C.; and HARALD SCHOUBYE, Edina, Minn., have applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. SHIRLEY BUNDSCHUH, Klickitat, Wash.; MICHELLE…

Notice of intent (Concordia, Mequon)

The Board of Regents of Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., herewith gives notice of intent to promote to a continuing-level appointment the following: DR. MARJI BELL, DR. DENNIS EVANS, DR. SUSAN MOBLEY and DR. CARRIE SCHEEL.  Any comments concerning this…

Official notice (Concordia, River Forest)

The following have accepted nomination and are candidates for the presidency of Concordia University, River Forest, Ill.: Rev. Dr. Gary Bertels — River Forest, Ill. Dr. Fred Boos — River Forest, Ill. Rev. Dr. Alan Borcherding — St. Louis, Mo.Rev.…

National offering receives $222,959 at opening worship

Delegates and guests contributed $222,959.26 toward the “One Mission Ablaze! National Offering” at the convention’s opening worship service on Sunday, July 11. That figure brings the total received for the offering to $660,656, as of this writing. Funds raised will be divided…

''Pressure Points'' with Dr. Bruce Hartung (August 2004)

Two readers write of similar dynamics in different contexts: Q:  Never again!  Points of order, parliamentary maneuvering, angry people, controversy!  This was my first and will be my last Synod convention.  If this is the church, no wonder we are declining. …