The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has joined with the Lutheran Church—Canada and the North American Lutheran Church to compile a three-year plan of daily Bible readings and a year-long series of weekly readings on Martin Luther’s approach to the Scriptures.
LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission webinar: ‘Leadership Through Conflict’
Hosted by LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission, Rev. Mike Moreno (PMHP/PMSW), mental health and marriage counselor at Christ Lutheran Church in Norfolk, Neb., presented a webinar titled “Leadership Through Conflict” on May 13, 2021.
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘A Lutheran Rapper? Yes! Using This Art Form to Proclaim Christ’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Grammy-nominated Christian rapper Marcus Tyrone Gray presented a free webinar on “A Lutheran Rapper? Yes! Using This Art Form to Proclaim Christ.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘New Insight and Hope for U.S. Race Relations’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. Dr. Gerard Bolling presents a free webinar on “New Insight and Hope for U.S. Race Relations.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘One Nation Under God’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. B. Keith Haney presented a free webinar on “One Nation Under God.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘A Place Not Forgotten’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. John Schmidtke presented a free webinar on “A Place Not Forgotten.” Ministry in the urban context is challenging as ministries deal with poverty, crime, lack of opportunity and a host of social issues.
LCMS Worship: Suggestions for 2021 midweek Lenten services
LCMS Worship provides suggestions for liturgy, psalms, readings, hymns and collects to use during 2021 midweek Lenten services.
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Developing Enterprise for Mercy’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, the Rev. Martin Schultheis presented a free webinar on “Developing Enterprise for Mercy.” Resources and opportunity often seem to be lacking in the urban communities in need of enterprise.
COVID-19: Resources from DOXOLOGY
DOXOLOGY, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, offers resources for pastors and congregations. Their goal is to support faithful pastors in their vital service to the dear souls committed to their care.
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Ministry in the Coronavirus Epicenter — Update’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, the Rev. Dien Ashley Taylor presents a free webinar on “Ministry in the Coronavirus Epicenter — Update.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Reaching Immigrants with the Good News’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Christian Friends of New Americans’ Rev. Dr. Allan Buckman and Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley present a free webinar on “Reaching Immigrants with the Good News.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Religious Freedom in Our PC Culture’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. Dr. Greg Seltz presents on “Religious Freedom in Our PC Culture.”
Bible study series for COVID-19
New Bible studies address the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminding the church of God’s Word and promises for difficult times.
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Ministry with People With Disabilities’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Deaconess Kimberly Trombley of Bethesda Ministries presents a free webinar titled “Ministry with People With Disabilities.”
LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Ministry’
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Deaconess Dr. Kim Schave presents a free webinar titled “Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Ministry.”