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LCMS Communications

Photo gallery: Raising Church Workers for Tanzania

In March, 21 new pastoral candidates were ordained and seven deaconesses were commissioned in a service with more than 1,000 worshipers at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania — South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese’s (ELCT-SELVD) Ebenezer Cathedral in Shinyanga.

The Passion of Our Lord According to St. Mark

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod suggests the following reading of The Passion of Our Lord, according to St. Mark in chapters 14 and 15.

Audio: SPM Pastoral Care in Plurastic Contexts presentations

The LCMS’ Specialized Pastoral Ministry hosted a “Pastoral Care in Pluralistic Contexts” conference Oct. 28-30, 2014, in St. Louis.

Audio: Listen to 2015 LCMS Life Conference presentations

The LCMS Life Ministry offers audio presentations from our 2015 LCMS Life Conference.

The Gospel of Christ Shall Fly Forth

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, shares both the history of LCMS missionary work, and looks to the exciting future as LCMS missionaries continue to share the Gospel of Christ around the globe.

Words of Comfort and Hope for Those Who Feel Alone: A Sermon on Isaiah 51:1-6

God spoke these words through Isaiah for generations not yet born, primarily for those of Judah who would be sent into “Exile” in Babylon about 150 years later. These are words of comfort and hope for those who feel far from home, isolated, abandoned, alone, powerless, hemmed in, threatened, perhaps near death and “exiled.”

Giving and living mercy

We continue to connect The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s programs of mercy with our local congregations, our missionaries and our partner churches around the world.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison Letter: The Time to Act

Our D.C. office will produce significant briefs on vital topics, such as the two kingdoms teaching. It will provide contact with LCMS elected officials, as well as encouragement and training for LCMS members (and other Lutherans) interested in running for office or serving in government. It will be a locus for the many young LCMS staffers who serve in D.C. and who are marvelous and active Christians.

The Persecuted Church: Suggested Propers for the Divine Service

Given the recent and growing number of Christians killed for the sake of Christ, a congregation might wish to receive the comfort of a Divine Service that specifically meditates upon and intercedes for those persecuted brothers and sisters. LCMS Worship offers the following propers as an aid toward that end.

A Letter to Pastors from President Harrison — The First Sunday in Lent, A.D. 2015

Dear Brothers in the office, we have a sacred vocation of service. We serve. Because we bear Christ’s own office, an office our Confessions say is derived from Christ and the apostles, we can expect among the joys and great blessings, thorns, trials, crosses and difficulties. Some of these are brought upon us by the weaknesses of those whom we serve. But the office is an office designed only to serve sinners!

LCMS embraces partnerships in Christ

One of the distinct joys we share as the body of Christ is our ability to work together. We don’t go off on our own. We don’t operate apart from those with whom we confess the faith.

Update from the President: Internal borrowing down to zero; number of missionaries almost doubled since 2013

The LCMS reduced internal borrowing of restricted funds to cash flow operations from some $16 million four years ago to zero, and we are close to doubling the number of career missionaries internationally, a goal set by the Synod in convention in 2013.

Photo gallery: Bearing Mercy in the Baltics

See how LCMS church partners, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania, are bearing mercy and service through Diaconia work in the Baltics.

The mission field here at home

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission has continually asked one main question: “How can we best serve the districts of the Synod, and with them the congregations, schools and workers of the church?” That is no small task.

Photo gallery: Chaplain Bears Christ to U.S. Marines

Commander Charles Varsogea, a chaplain in the U.S. Navy, helps nourish the young recruits at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif.

LCMS Worship: Suggestions for 2015 midweek Lenten services

These selections can serve for midweek Vespers, Evening Prayer, or Service of Prayer and Preaching during Lent.