In the 121 years since the LCMS sent its first missionaries to India, our church has been involved in international mission. Much has changed since then.
LCMS president issues statement on 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade
On the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, LCMS President Harrison issued a statement upholding life.
Audio: Religious Freedom Day
Hear for yourself what National Religious Freedom day is all about, and how you and your friends can join the movement to stand for religious liberty for all!
Video: Get a fresh look inside the Old Latin School
Take a peek as renovations on the “Old Latin School” progress toward the May 2015 dedication of this new education and outreach center in the heart of Wittenberg, Germany.
Photo gallery: 2015 TABOO National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference
See photographs from the 2015 TABOO National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference at Saint Louis University.
Photo gallery: Mercy grant provides roofs to Malagasy Lutheran churches
In the extreme southern part of Madagascar, the Malagasy Lutheran Church — known locally as the Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (FLM) — and the LCMS have joined in a project to install tin roofs on FLM churches around the country.
Audio: Listen to presentations from the 2014 International Disaster Response Conference
Audio presentations from our 2014 International Disaster Response Conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.
Watch videos about LCMS Disaster Response efforts
The LCMS website has a video library with the latest videos and interviews about LCMS Disaster Response.
KFUO: Golter leading 2017 Reformation celebration
Listen to a Dec. 9 interview with KFUO’s Andy Bates and the Rev. Randy Golter, who leads The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in planning the 2017 Reformation 500th anniversary celebration.
Video: What is a Foro?
A Foro, Spanish for “forum,” is a system of support used for LCMS missions and sister churches in Latin America and the Caribbean. Watch to see how you can join!
Photo gallery: LCMS Pastors bear love of Christ in Ferguson
LCMS Pastors bear the love of Christ on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., on Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014.
LCMS supports medical professionals in Ebola fight
ST. LOUIS, November 14, 2014—Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison announced today a new initiative to deliver aid to combat the spread of Ebola.
LCMS joins ‘Giving Tuesday’ effort
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is joining Giving Tuesday and asking people around the world to make a difference through charitable giving on a single day, Dec. 2.
Suggestions for Advent
The season of anticipation is almost upon us! How will your congregation mark it? Here are some suggestions toward a fuller celebration this Advent in your congregation.
LCMS Foundation reduces fees for custodial accounts
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation has announced a reduction in its custodial account pricing schedule, a move that positively affects hundreds of LCMS ministries holding investment assets with the Foundation.