LCMS Disaster Response is seeking a hymn for the church in times of disaster. For more details please download the contest flyer.
LCMS provides opportunities to help persecuted Christians
The world is starting to perk up its ears. Reports of Christians fleeing cities in Iraq; pictures of Islamic militants marking the doors of the faithful as a sign that they must leave or be killed; stories of men being killed, women raped, children beheaded: All are now in the news … and all are for the sake of Christ.
Stewardship Resources – September 2014
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
Photo gallery: 2014 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music
Presented by LCMS Worship, the 2014 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music at Concordia University Nebraska attracted more than 400 participants. Photographs by Erik M. Lunsford, staff photojournalist in LCMS Communications
Interview with Dr. Jeff Gibbs and Katie Schuermann about upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposium
Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Professor of Exegetical Theology – Concordia Seminary and Katie Schuermann, talk about the upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposim, which takes place Nov. 8, 2014, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Visit the LCMS Life Ministry website,, for more information about this event.
Interview with Ed Szeto and Rev. Christopher Esget about 2015 Life Conference
Ed Szeto, Special Projects coordinator for LCMS Life Ministries, and Rev. Christopher Esget, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Va., talk about the LCMS 2015 Life Conference, which will take place Jan. 22-24, 2015, in Washington, D.C. Visit for more details on this event.
LCMS offers prayers and resources in light of increasing Christian persecution
Join LCMS President Matthew Harrison in praying for persecuted Christians around the world.
Interview with Rev. Heath Curtis, coordinator, LCMS Stewardship Ministry
Rev. Heath Curtis, coordinator for LCMS Stewardship Ministry, discusses the Stewardship Ministry, its redesigned website ( and the resources available to pastors and congregations during an interview on KFUO-AM.
Simon named VP at LCMS Foundation
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation recently named Ralph Simon as vice-president of Investment Services, effective July 7, 2014.
Stewardship Resources – August 2014
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
The Wait Is Over
Today is not an end to a discussion. It simply emboldens us to do what we do best as Lutherans.
Interview with Michael Ritzman, new missionary to Papua New Guinea
Michael Ritzman talks about preparing to serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea. He is a new missionary who just completed the 2-week new missionary orientation at the International Center in St. Louis. He will serve in this country with his wife and 5 children.
15 countries. 35 new missionaries.
Special “sending service” for 35 new missionaries who have completed two weeks of training at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center in St. Louis before they are sent to the four corners of the globe. They will join approximately 140 other missionaries around the world.
Video: Castillo Fuerte – Mercy in Action
In response to Christ’s death and resurrection, Caitlin Worden and the rest of the Peruvian missionary team are caring for the otherwise neglected children in Castillo Fuerte in the slums of Lima.
Photos, video, audio describe Nebraska tornado aftermath
Dual tornadoes pummeled Pilger, Neb., on June 16, 2014, killing one person there, injuring more than two dozen, destroying 40-50 homes, and crushing St. John Lutheran Church and its parsonage. Several LCMS members lost their homes in the storm. The LCMS made an initial $100,000 available to the LCMS Nebraska District to help in the aftermath of the storm.