Cheryl Magness

Managing Editor of Reporter

556 Articles12 Comments

Cheryl Magness is managing editor of the print and online versions of Reporter, the official newspaper of the LCMS. She has written for a variety of publications, including The Federalist, Touchstone and The Lutheran Witness, and is a contributor to the book He Restores My Soul from Emmanuel Press. She has degrees in English and music and enjoys playing piano and spending time with her family.

Built on the rock: New church, pastor, publishing house in Sri Lanka

The Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC) held its first convocation Sept. 1-2.

Pless to lead Advent preaching workshop at Concordia Theological Seminary

The workshop is $40/person and will take place on Nov. 7.

Recovery slow but steady in Puerto Rico as donations and aid are still needed

Power remains out over much of the island and many roads are still blocked by debris.

Commission on Theology and Church Relations prepares Bible studies on doctrine of justification

The first of the Bible studies, “Justifying Christmas,” will be available in mid-November.

Fall issue of For the Life of the World considers what is ‘Distinctly Lutheran’

The magazine is available at no cost in both print and digital form.

Harvey and Irma: Synod focuses on long-term aid

Collaboration among LCMS Disaster Response, affected districts and essential partners continues to be strengthened by generosity shown across the Synod.

October ‘Lutheran Witness’ goes all out for Reformation

500th anniversary issue brings the past to bear on the present.

Fall ‘Engage’ highlights local, everyday evangelism

Online and print versions are now available.

‘Every One His Witness’ evangelism resource now available from Concordia Publishing House

The program focuses on how to share the Gospel with those in our everyday lives.

Love in action: disaster donations are helping

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is also providing aid through its Kaleidoscope Fund.

BOD votes to increase disaster-fund impact

Also in its regular meeting, the Board considered ways to increase effectiveness, received reports and took routine actions.

‘The word did everything’

Excerpted from Luther’s Works, “The Second Sermon, March 10, 1522, Monday after Invocavit.”

LCMS Stewardship releases free Bible study

The eight-session study focuses on both financial and other kinds of stewardship.

Items wanted, available (October 2017)

Available this month are hymnals, communion ware, and paraments.