Matthew Harrison
44 Articles0 Comments

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison is president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Close, closed, close[d] Communion: Three words, one meaning

The Synod in convention has spoken clearly to this issue on many occasions, including in 2023, when it adopted Res. 5-09 by 88.9%.

In His image: Two sexes, one humanity

The differences between men and women are not something to apologize for but to celebrate.

If Christ had not been raised

To confess Christ crucified is not to ignore the resurrection.

Saving souls: Christ’s work, not ours

If a year from now we discovered that all our supposed best practices were completely wrong, it would not change the number of God’s elect by a single one.

Held fast by God’s Word: A resolution for 2024

A New Year column from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.

Here we stand, here we go

We cannot stand on the Gospel without going with the Gospel. 

What is a Lutheran?

The doctrine of justification, on which the church stands or falls, is what it means to be Lutheran.

International Lutheran Council reaffirms 2021 letter denouncing religious persecution in Finland

The reaffirmation comes as the Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola and Dr. Päivi Räsänen face a second trial for holding to biblical Christianity.

‘The cause is just’: Harrison speaks at Illinois March for Life

The Illinois March for Life took place in Springfield, Ill., on March 21.

Resurrection courage: The future is already written

All the crosses and trials that afflict us today will be left in the grave at the Resurrection.

President Harrison denounces disturbing ideologies

LCMS leaders and congregations reject racist views and instead stand firm on the biblical belief that every human is a precious child of God.

Update from President Harrison on Large Catechism

President Harrison asks CPH to resume distribution of the annotated Large Catechism.

God’s abundant grace: A sermon from Luther

A sermon of Martin Luther from April 6, 1541, is translated by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.

‘Another year of grace’: A message from the Synod president

With the name of Jesus and at the celebration of His first shedding of blood, we begin our new year.

Respect for Marriage Act: Misnamed law threatens religious liberty

On Dec. 13, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law.