Roy Askins
69 Articles1 Comments

Director of Editorial and Executive Editor of The Lutheran Witness

LCMS Provides Life-Giving Water in Bangladesh

By Roy S. Askins During the rainy season of Bangladesh, water is everywhere. Roads become submerged, homes become unlivable, church buildings uninhabitable and schools unusable. Villagers must walk on bamboo bridges, even within the village, and use skiffs to visit…

Water, Water Everywhere

The people of Bangladesh live on and in the water. During the rainy season, the water rises to such levels that people must travel by boat instead of bus, bicycle or car. It’s common to see children of five, six…

LCMS and LCP Encouraged by Agreement

On June 8, 2016, the Rev. Antonio Reyes, president of The Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), and the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), signed a protocol agreement encouraging and strengthening the official…

CSSE in Macau Hosts Graduation Service

On July 15, 2016, Concordia School for Special Education hosted a graduation service for their students.

OIM Audio: Rev. Ferry Discusses GKLI Convention

Pr. Ferry discusses the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church convention that will make an important decision that could affect the LCMS.