The March issue of The Lutheran Witness examines superstitions and superstitious practices and beliefs.
February ‘Witness’: Reading the Bible
The February issue urges readers to return to the Word of God, especially at home.
January ‘Witness’: Living a chaste and decent life
Chastity is not simply about “waiting for marriage,” but about the entire life of the believer.
December ‘Witness’: The gift that gives eternal life
The December issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ explores how the Old Testament portrays and points to the Second Person of the Trinity, the eternally begotten Son of God.
November ‘Witness’: Medicine for the soul
The November issue takes up the discussion of the Lord’s Supper, fellowship and closed Communion.
October ‘Lutheran Witness’ studies Galatians
St. Paul’s letter provides the key, not only to the Reformation, but to the entirety of the Christian life.
August ‘Witness’: Necessary conversations
The issue studies the intersection of faith and politics.
June/July ‘Witness’: Walking by faith during COVID-19
The issue begins to ask questions about what the church has learned about how it can continue to witness during government shutdowns.
Michigan floods lead to widespread evacuations
Along with local authorities, the LCMS Michigan District is currently assessing the situation.
‘In sickness and in health’: May ‘Lutheran Witness’
The issue explains how to keep Christ at the center of the wedding day and how Christ cares for His Bride, the church.
April ‘Witness’ defends biblical teaching about Jesus’ resurrection
The issue also shares tips for talking to friends and family about the resurrection, examines what 1 Corinthians 15 says about the resurrection, and extols hymns that celebrate the resurrection.
March ‘Lutheran Witness’ focuses on fasting, temptation
The issue covers topics such as fasting in modern times, avoiding abuses of fasting and the biblical background of fasting.
Delegates tidy up the polity of the Synod
Delegates of the 2019 LCMS convention adopted four final resolutions brought to the delegation by Floor Committee 9 on Structure and Governance.
Synod recognizes fellowship with third church body in South Africa
The Synod in convention recognized fellowship with a South African church body, commended a report on cremation, and requested further study on “the relationship between unity in doctrine and uniformity and variety in practice.”
Convention confesses: ‘God created the world in six natural days’
After some discussion, the Synod in convention adopted Res. 5-09A, which confesses that God created the world in six natural days.
Synod adopts larger slate of candidates for future presidential elections
Convention delegates opted to increase the slate of candidates for presidential elections from three to five and adjust bylaws to provide for a timely election process.