The deadline for the submission of reports and overtures to the 2019 convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is March 2, 2019.
LCMS Notices
Read notices about districts, convention matters, colloquies, reinstatements, positions, obituaries and more.

Official notice: requests for reinstatement (Jan. 2018)
A listing of those who have applied for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Official notice: colloquies (Jan. 2018)
A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Items wanted, available (Jan. 2018)
Wanted this month are handbells and Luther’s Works; please see complete notice for long list of items available.

Official Notice: 2019 Convention Nominations
Synod Bylaw provisions require the Secretary of the Synod to solicit on behalf of the Committee for Convention Nominations (CCN) nominees for the various positions for which the committee must provide slates of candidates for convention elections. General solicitation for such names is to begin 18 months prior to the conventions of the Synod.

Call for nominations/applicants: Director, School Ministry
The deadline to apply or submit nominations is Feb. 28, 2018.

Official notice: requests for reinstatement (Dec. 2017)
A listing of those who have applied for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Official notice: colloquies (Dec. 2017)
A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Items wanted, available (Dec. 2017)
Wanted this month are stoles, chasubles and a book of Herman Sasse essays; available are paraments and candelabras.