ZZ-Ministry News

LCMS Worship: Suggestions for 2017 midweek Lenten services

The LCMS suggests 2017 Lenten Midweek Propers, which pair selections from Isaiah’s Servant Songs with the Passion reading from St. Matthew.

KFUO Audio: Responsibility of Christians in Kingdom of the Left

Rev. Larry Beane talks with KFUO Radio’s Kip Allen on Oct. 19 about the obligation of Christians in the Kingdom of the Left regarding the election of officials. Are Christians required to vote? What is the role of the conscience in the election process?

Brief Advent Table Devotions: 2016

LCMS Worship suggests the following Advent devotions for use at home. Family members may take turns reading the prophesy for each day from Nov. 27 to Christmas Eve.

Hymn Suggestions: Series A (2016-17)

LCMS Worship provides Series A hymn suggestions for the 2016-17 church year.

Video: Harrison gives overview of hurricane response

President Harrison gives an overview of the Synod’s response to Hurricane Matthew, which includes aid to victims in both Haiti and the Synod’s Southeastern District.

Photo gallery: Hurricane Matthew strikes Haiti

View photos of the devastation in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew by LCMS Communications Photojournalist Erik Lunsford, who traveled there with LCMS Disaster Response Director Ross Johnson Oct. 10-13, as the Synod looks to further aid to the hardest-hit areas of Haiti’s southern peninsula.

Disaster Response Video Update
Video: Hurricane Matthew Update

LCMS disaster-relief responders and Southeastern District leaders assess the flooding damage and danger in the Carolinas.

Rivett, Wagner receive ‘Christus In Mundo’ awards

Rev. R. James Rivett and Rev. Dr. William W. Wagner received the Christus In Mundo Award during a Zion XVI Conference Banquet on Sept. 17, 2016, in Belleville, Ill.

Prayer for all who suffer after Hurricane Matthew

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers the following prayer for all those who suffer in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Pastors may use the prayer in congregations, and all are invited to include these victims in personal prayers.

Free devotional from LCMS Disaster Response

This devotional booklet is intended for anyone who is suffering from the brokenness of this world. Whether you have been affected by a natural disaster or other trauma, whether your life is extraordinary or you are struggling with normal stress, this is a devotional booklet for you.

Care for the Aging

This presentation will provide insights into the blessings and challenges that older adults experience, in addition to the blessings and challenges that parish nurses may experience in serving older adults.

Free booklet from LCMS Disaster Response

Trusting in His Love – Even when we don’t understand what’s going on around us.

KFUO Audio: Rights of Christians in Academia

First Liberty Institute attorney Justin Butterfield and Florida State University student and teaching assistant Darrell Jordan talk with KFUO Radio’s Kip Allen about challenges and the rights of Christians in academic settings. Christian students and faculty, including those on college campuses, face many challenges in an environment that is increasingly hostile to religion.

Luther Sermon Excerpts

LCMS Worship has compiled excerpts from sermons preached by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther. Congregations may use the sermon selections in weekly bulletins during the 2016-17 church year in preparation for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Advent Midweek Suggestions (2016)

LCMS Worship provides suggestions for liturgy, psalms, readings, hymns and collects to use during 2016 midweek Advent services.

Hymn Suggestions: One-Year Series (2016-17)

LCMS Worship provides hymn suggestions for the One-Year Series during the 2016-17 church year.