The Maui response exemplifies the Synod working together to help a Lutheran church and school be the light of Christ in their community.
New This Week
December ‘Witness’: The gift of children
The December issue of The Lutheran Witness considers how children bless us and how we might bless them.
‘Together as Synod’ gifts support areas of greatest opportunity
Undesignated “Together as Synod” gifts are both flexible and cost-effective, supporting whatever is the greatest mission and ministry opportunity at the time the gift is received.
Campus clips: Celebrating scholars of all ages
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.
From the mission field: Seminary has new director
Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.
November ‘Witness’: What is truth?
Truth is found in the Son of God, who came to be truth in the flesh for us.
District presidents hold first meeting of triennium
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Council of Presidents met in St. Louis Sept. 16–19.
Concordia universities to host church work days
Set Apart to Serve is partnering with the Concordia University System on a series of campus church work days in 2024.
BOD welcomes new members, elects Preus chairman
The BOD held its first meeting of the new triennium Sept. 14–15 in St. Louis.
Resources teach about life in the womb
The resources, developed by LCMS Life Ministry, utilize age-appropriate content and activities to teach about God’s development of a child in the womb from conception to birth.
Rast to retire as seminary president
The Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. will retire as president of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, following the completion of the 2023–2024 academic year.
Youth Ministry unveils 2025 Gathering theme
The 2025 Youth Gathering is set for July 19–23, 2025, in New Orleans.
Bible camp curriculum shares Jesus abroad and at home
The curriculum, titled “Jesus Frees Us,” uses Old Testament stories to show how Jesus frees His people and how they can respond in love.
Mission boards meet in St. Louis
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Boards for National Mission and International Mission held their first meetings of the triennium in September.
From the mission field: Student to chaplain
Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.
Campus clips: Synod schools receive, share God’s gifts
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.