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Resource provides history of Lutheran World Federation

The booklet is available as a free download.

Prison ministry: Mercy for ‘the least of these’

The 2024 Prison Ministry Coordinators Conference was held April 15–16 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Lutherans extend ‘hand of God’ after Nebraska tornadoes

Within two days of the tornadoes, Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) volunteers started arriving on the scene.

God’s design for sexuality: Starting the conversation

In 2019 and 2023, the LCMS convention passed resolutions calling on the church to “address sexual orientation and gender identity issues” through intentional conversations.

Disaster assessment underway after tornado outbreak

The Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response, is currently visiting the region.

Campus clips: Learning for all ages

Updates from LCMS day schools, LCMS U chapters, universities and seminaries.

DCEs meet for study, sharing

The National Association of Directors of Christian Education held its biennial conference Jan. 31–Feb. 2 in Houston.

YouthLead: Finding identity in Christ

Youth leaders gathered for training Feb. 29–March 3 at the Pallottine Renewal Center in St. Louis.

LWML mission grants support life, youth, church work recruitment

LWML President Eden Keefe presented three grant checks after chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on March 7.

Until the Lord comes: Everyone a church work recruiter

As the SAS team plans for the coming year, it has developed three major areas of emphasis.

Campus ministry staff to gather in May

The LCMS U Campus Ministry Staff Conference is set for May 29–30 at Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wis.

Campus clips: DCEs, counselors and pharmacists

Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.

Lutherans offer Christ’s comfort after Iowa school shooting

Two LCMS congregations joined with two LCMS Recognized Service Organizations to provide Gospel hope and healing to the suffering.

Schiebel grant program supports black, inner-urban context

The grant program is funded by the Rev. Dr. William A. Schiebel Endowment.

Saving souls: Christ’s work, not ours

If a year from now we discovered that all our supposed best practices were completely wrong, it would not change the number of God’s elect by a single one.