A Place of Refuge Ministries of South Wisconsin, which is based in Milwaukee, offers Christian care to women facing crisis pregnancy.

Photo gallery: Prince of Peace Lutheran – Orlando, Fla.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Orlando, Fla., hosted a worship service and Bible class on Sunday, Sept. 13.

Photo gallery: Y4Life servant event in Florida
Lutherans For Life hosted a YFLife servant event on Saturday, Sept. 12, in the Orlando, Fla., area.

Photo gallery: Lutherans and supporters protest Planned Parenthood in St. Louis
Lutherans and other supporters protest Planned Parenthood on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, outside the facility in St. Louis.

Photo gallery: Former Iowa webcam-abortion clinic now pro-life health center
Church and community members in Creston, Iowa, on Aug. 15 dedicated a pro-life pregnancy and women’s health resource center — the result of community efforts to repurpose a former Planned Parenthood facility known for conducting controversial telemedicine “webcam” abortions.

Photo gallery: PALS Facilitator Training Conference – August 2015
A Post Seminary Applied Learning and Support (PALS) Facilitator Training Conference was held Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015, at the International Center of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Kirkwood, Mo.

Photo gallery: July 2015 “Service of Sending” for LCMS missionaries
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod held a “Service of Sending” for its new missionaries on Friday, July 2, at the International Center in St. Louis. Twenty missionaries and their 40 family members attended a two-week orientation to prepare for service abroad.

Photo gallery: 2015 LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa
The 36th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was held June 25-28, 2015, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

Photo gallery: Nebraska church holds service one year after twin tornadoes
About 75 St. John Lutheran Church members and guests join the Rev. Terry Makelin, pastor of the church, for a Day of Supplication and Prayer service at St. John Lutheran Church on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, in Pilger, Neb. A year ago to the day, with the service almost to the hour, rare EF-4 twin twisters destroyed the church along with the majority of Pilger.

Photo gallery: Tornado destroys Zion Lutheran in Delmont, S.D.
An EF2 tornado ripped through Delmont, S.D., mid-morning on Sunday, May 10, and destroyed Zion Lutheran Church. The twister claimed no lives but injured nine people, including at least one Zion member who was hospitalized.

Photo gallery: Volunteers respond after Illinois tornado
Dozens of chainsaw specialists joined more than 200 Lutheran volunteers on Saturday, April 11, to clean up after an EF-F tornado struck Northern Illinois on April 9.

Photo gallery: Raising Church Workers for Tanzania
In March, 21 new pastoral candidates were ordained and seven deaconesses were commissioned in a service with more than 1,000 worshipers at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania — South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese’s (ELCT-SELVD) Ebenezer Cathedral in Shinyanga.

Photo gallery: Bearing Mercy in the Baltics
See how LCMS church partners, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania, are bearing mercy and service through Diaconia work in the Baltics.

Photo gallery: Chaplain Bears Christ to U.S. Marines
Commander Charles Varsogea, a chaplain in the U.S. Navy, helps nourish the young recruits at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif.

Photo gallery: 2015 TABOO National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference
See photographs from the 2015 TABOO National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference at Saint Louis University.

Photo gallery: Mercy grant provides roofs to Malagasy Lutheran churches
In the extreme southern part of Madagascar, the Malagasy Lutheran Church — known locally as the Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (FLM) — and the LCMS have joined in a project to install tin roofs on FLM churches around the country.