
Living faithfully in ‘Negative World’: March ‘Lutheran Witness’

The March issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ considers how to hold faithfully to the Gospel in a culture that is often hostile to Christianity.

Historic Trinity Milwaukee goes ‘home’ for Reformation

On Oct. 31, 2024, the congregation of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, worshiped in the church sanctuary for the first time since a devastating four-alarm fire in May 2018.

November ‘Witness’: Walking together as Synod

The November issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an update on how the various offices at the IC are accomplishing the tasks set before them.

Resource provides history of Lutheran World Federation

The booklet is available as a free download.

May ‘Witness’: A praying community

The church prays in accord with God’s Word.

Marks of the church: May ‘LW’

The seven marks of the church help identify faithful Lutheran churches around the world.

God’s abundant grace: A sermon from Luther

A sermon of Martin Luther from April 6, 1541, is translated by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.

Respect for Marriage Act: Misnamed law threatens religious liberty

On Dec. 13, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law.

Right administration of the sacraments

The true “marks” of the church are evident to all and provide sufficient grounds to identify the presence of true fellowship.

‘Making Disciples for Life’: Staying awake in a world asleep

The Making Disciples for Life fall conference took place Oct. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.

Resurrection courage: Ours in Christ

A message from the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison. president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Church and culture: A call to repentance

Much of what we see today in society results from philosophies and teachings that elevate humanity and thereby eliminate God and His Law.

New video series explores ‘Life Together as Synod’

The series considers what it means to be part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Q&A with the Rev. Zabdi Lopez

The Rev. Zabdi Lopez discusses bilingual ministry in Woodburn, Ore.

Historic LCMS church destroyed by fire during annual Oktoberfest

The cause of the fire, which occurred on Sunday, Sept. 19, is still unknown.

‘Una Sancta’: June/July ‘Witness’

The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness explores what it means to be “the one, holy Christian and apostolic Church.”