LCMS Districts

ONM grants support resiliency programs for the Synod’s workers

Funds for the grants came from the Soldiers of the Cross—Amplified program.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Feb. 2021)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Jan. 2021)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Jan. 2021)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Dec. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Nov. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Oct. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS districts (May 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Lutheran Church Extension Fund partners with Synod to assist church workers during pandemic

As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LCMS will use Soldiers of the Cross as one means to continue to assist LCMS church workers and their families. 

Official notice: LCMS districts (March 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Feb. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.