Sem plans relief trip; invites laypeople to come

After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, 20 volunteers from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, gathered supplies and headed south to help those who had lost their homes and possessions in the storm.  The group of volunteers, composed primarily of…

High school finds benefits in offering classes online

By Paula Schlueter Ross It hasn’t bought more land or built more classrooms, but Lutheran High School of Orange County (Calif.) is making its Christian education available to a wider range of students than ever before. The LCMS high school now offers…

People in the News

Rev. Steven Siegel begins serving Nov. 14 as director of North American Ministries with Lutheran Hour Ministries, St. Louis.  In the post, Siegel will oversee the North American division’s planning, budgeting, production, distribution, media, and promotion efforts.  Siegel served the…

`Lutherhostels` offer opportunities for learning, say participants

Bill and Diana Sornborger of Los Angeles are planning to attend their eighth or ninth “Lutherhostel” sponsored by the national Association of Lutheran Older Adults (ALOA), and they have no plans to make it their last. They keep going, says Diana,…

Dealing with disaster: What is a Christian to make of the tragedy?

By James Heine Katrina, Rita, and now Wilma.  Tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes.  Lives swept away and communities destroyed.  New concerns about a catastrophic worldwide outbreak of the flu. What next? Our daily ration of news is almost universally grim, and it…

Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

My October column advocating an extended period of seasoning before a person assumes a leadership role in the congregation brought a chorus of responses on a common theme: What is good for congregational leadership is also good for pastoral leadership. …

St. Louis seminary chorus announces Advent tour

The Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Chorus will perform choral music for the season of Advent at Lutheran churches in five cities during its tour next month. All of the presentations, except those in Wausau, Wis., will include an expanded choral version…

Gamaliel dies; led seminary in India

Dr. James C. Gamaliel, renowned Lutheran evangelism leader and former seminary president in India, died Oct. 4 in a Trivandrum hospital after a three-week illness.  He was 79. Dr. Herbert Hoefer, regional director for India and Sri Lanka with LCMS…

Requests for Reinstatement

RANDALL L. MOLL, Stuttgart, Kan., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  MELISSA L. WOLF, Rockville, Mo., and CINDY WULBERT, Buffalo Grove, Ill., have applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Commissioned…

Notice of Nondiscrimination

The colleges, universities and seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college, university or…

Items wanted, available

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted Filmstrips of Bible stories for deaf congregation; any…

November Letters

The way of escape In my role as facilitator of the 2007 LCMS National Youth Gathering’s planning team, I was one of 13 Gathering-related leaders stranded in a New Orleans hotel as Katrina-driven waters rushed toward us down Canal Street.…

Wanted: Online teachers

Orange Lutheran High School Online (OLO) is seeking credentialed and experienced Lutheran high-school teachers who are interested in teaching Web-based, eight-week courses (see related story). Training in using the school’s online system is provided. For information, click here or contact Director Patty…

New `Leaders Notes` help teach stewardship principles

Rev. John Schauer answered his own question when he preached the first of eight monthly sermons last month based on Scriptural texts that support the Synod’s “Stewardship Principles.” “I’m convinced these principles have all the right content for motivating our…


The College of Liberal Arts and Science at Concordia University at Austin, Austin, Texas, seeks applicants for a full-time position in communication.  The position will begin January or August 2006.  The successful candidate will teach Communication Technology, Media Production, Media…

LCMS World Relief accepting funds for quake, flood relief

LCMS World Relief/Human Care is accepting donations toward emergency relief for the millions affected by the Oct. 8 earthquake that killed an estimated 80,000 people in South Asia — mostly in Pakistan, and for survivors of flooding and landslides in…