Deaconesses elect officers, hear about 'modern heresies'

Members of the Concordia Deaconess Conference elected Deaconess Pamela Nielsen of St. Louis as the new conference president during their annual meeting June 25-28 in Florissant, Mo. Nielsen succeeds Deaconess Grace Rao of St. Louis in that office.   Conference members…

National youth-worker conference draws 400

Some 400 professionals and volunteers involved in youth ministry with congregations across the Synod participated in the 2006 NATIONAL Lutheran Youth Workers Conference July 20-23 in Orlando, Fla. This was the second annual conference known as “NATIONAL” –- a project of…

`Harvesters` training set for October

LCMS World Mission -– Outreach Ministry is accepting applications for the next Harvesters For Christ training event — set for Oct. 25-29 at the St. Paul Institute for Education in Concordia, Mo. Harvesters is an Outreach Ministry program that partners…

CPH`s 2006-07 catalog showcases new materials

Concordia Publishing House’s new 2006-07 catalog features more than 30 new books and other items that are now available for order. New items include: The Town that Forgot About Christmas ($14.99, item no. 56-2392S), adapted by Susan K. Leigh from…

Positions (September)

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation seeks applications and nominations for the position of vice president for world mission support, made available due to a pending retirement. The position reports to the senior vice president for ministry resources development and…

Calls for Nominations (September)

The Board for University Education (BUE)/Concordia University System (CUS) is seeking nominations for an associate director, university education.  The  associate director reports to the executive director of BUE/president of CUS and is responsible for promoting improved articulation between the colleges…

Items available (September)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Available Lutheran Worship hymnals, 1982 copyright (blue cover),…

Requests for Reinstatement (September)

STEPHEN C. MOSER, Poulsbo, Wash., and KURT OVERWAY, Hudsonville, Mich., have applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  DOROTHY A. ALBRECHT, Imperial, Mo.; ERICH BREDEHOEFT, North Fort Meyers, Fla.; SHERRY L. BYRNE, Allen,…

World Mission announces placement of four directors

For the first time since 2003 — when LCMS World Mission realigned its international operations to establish four international regions — all four deployed regional director positions for the Synod’s overseas missions are filled. International regional directors work with overseas…

LWR president takes new post

Dr. Kathryn Wolford, who has served as president of Baltimore-based Lutheran World Relief (LWR) since 1993, has accepted the presidency of The McKnight Foundation, a philanthropic organization based in Minneapolis.  Wolford, 48, will step down as LWR president Oct. 31…

Society for Missiology seeks missionary info

The Lutheran Society for Missiology has launched a five-year project to research all former LCMS missionaries — living and deceased — as the first step in producing a comprehensive “biographical dictionary” of Lutheran missionaries. Information gathered also will be shared…

St. Louis sem releases `Deaconess` publication

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, mailed its first issue of Deaconess to LCMS pastors and deaconesses in late June. The newsletter — to be published three times a year — highlights deaconess education and provides insight into the lives of current…

Asia has `huge need` for short-term mission teams

Bruce Wall, who matches LCMS groups with short-term mission assignments on behalf of LCMS World Mission, says it’s definitely a good thing that he’s received requests from Hong Kong and Macau for 160 to 200 volunteer teams to serve there…

New books feature work of King, Dickinson

Two new books offer information on Black and other ethnic ministries through the life and work of two LCMS leaders — Dr. Robert H. King, fourth vice president of the Synod, and Dr. Richard C. Dickinson, former executive director of…

Seminary offers conference on love, marriage

Concordia Theological Seminary will host “In the Image of God: The Christian Vision for Love and Marriage” Sept. 18-20 on its campus in Fort Wayne, Ind. The conference is open to anyone interested in the Christian view of love and…

`LutherHostel`set for St. Louis seminary

“Living Well in Christ” is the theme for “LutherHostel 2006,” to be held Oct. 7-10 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  LutherHostel is an educational event for adults ages 55 and older. Dr. Richard Bimler, author, humorist, and past president of…