Story by Megan K. Mertz
Photos by Erik M. Lunsford
People walked for miles to be treated at the first LCMS Mercy Medical Team (MMT) clinic held near Lodwar, Kenya, in June. During the clinic, the 14-person team — which included LCMS missionaries Shara Cunningham and nurse Sarah Kanoy, both based in Nairobi — conducted malaria and HIV tests, diagnosed a wide variety of conditions and illnesses, gave out 2,000 toothbrushes, and distributed boxes and boxes of medications. In just five days, the team treated 1,861 people.
In addition to providing relief from physical ailments, the clinic also had a spiritual component. An LCMS pastor and local Lutherans worked together to share the Gospel in three languages — English, Swahili and the local Turkana language — in preparation for the start of a new mission station of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya, the Synod’s partner church in that country.
Learn more about Mercy Medical Teams at lcms.org/mercyteams.
Megan K. Mertz (megan.mertz@lcms.org) is a staff writer and managing editor of Lutherans Engage the World with LCMS Communications.
Erik M. Lunsford (erik.lunsford@lcms.org) is managing photojournalist for LCMS Communications.
Posted September 9, 2016