The day before the official opening of the 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), volunteers in Tampa, Fla., participated in “Joy:fully Serving,” the first ever LCMS convention servant event.
On Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. until noon at the Tampa Convention Center, more than 50 volunteers prepared 275 baskets to share with mothers and children in need.
Four categories of baskets were prepared:
- Baby-care baskets with items such as diaper cream, thermometers, towels and mittens;
- Mom-care baskets with items such as nail polish, lotion, manicure sets and umbrellas;
- Household baskets with items such as kitchen towels, crib sheets and cooking supplies; and
- Spiritual-care baskets with items such as Bibles, catechisms, devotionals and children’s books.
Two LCMS Recognized Service Organizations received the baskets for distribution to area mothers and children:
- Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries in Sanford, Fla., which operates a maternity home and transitional living for pregnant women and their children; and
- Amigos en Cristo in Immokalee, Fla., which provides social services to its largely migrant and immigrant community, many of whom are in crisis and need assistance to build a solid foundation for a better future.
Sheryl DeWitt, executive director of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, described “Joy:fully Serving” as “a very special event, not only for Redeeming Life and Amigos Center, but also for the LCMS. … We are honored to be the recipients of the first servant event gifts.”
The Rev. Robert Selle, founder and CEO of Amigos en Cristo, agreed. “This is a great beginning for our LCMS national convention,” Selle said. “The Synod has gathered together in convention and provided us with the tools to be able to share the Gospel of Christ. … People have come not just to a convention, but they have come to serve.”
Deaconess Dorothy Krans, director of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, said the servant event volunteers were “an awesome group” and an “example of the hands and feet of Christ.”
Krans added, “We will definitely consider providing a convention servant event again to offer those who attend the convention the opportunity to serve as well as to provide care for those in need.”
Watch a video about “Joy:fully Serving” at lcms.org/joyfully-serving.
Posted Sept. 5. 2019