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Video series explains Christianity in multiple languages

The series is currently available in Farsi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish and English.

Missionaries end, begin service

Missionaries who have concluded their service were recognized on July 19, and missionaries who recently completed orientation were recognized on Aug. 2.

SAS summer update: On the road

Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is the ongoing church work recruitment initiative of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Youth leaders gather in New Orleans, look to 2025

The 2024 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (NATIONAL24) was held July 21–24 in New Orleans.

‘A salvation plan’: Flood recovery in Brazil

The Rio Grande do Sul region is home to the largest Lutheran population in Brazil.

Hardy installed as CUS president

The Rev. Dr. Jamison J. Hardy was installed as president of the Concordia University System on July 23 in St. Louis.


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