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LCMS Communications

KFUO Audio: Free to be Faithful on campus

Martha Mitkos joined Rev. Marcus Zill on The Student Union radio program to discuss religious liberty and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Free to be Faithful initiative on college campuses.

LCMS President Harrison comments after ruling in Judge Neely case

Wyoming Supreme Court censures local judge for her faith-based marriage view but allows her to remain municipal court judge.

Holding Up the Prophet’s Hand

Hartung will share insights and applications for parish nurses from his book Holding Up the Prophet’s Hand, published by Concordia Publishing House.

Pastoral Education: March 2017 — Pastors in the public square

St. Paul in Athens (Acts 17) is an excellent example of a pastor speaking in the public square. What kind of formation needed to take place for Paul to speak the way he did in the Areopagus? First, he would need to have an in-depth understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

KFUO Audio: Analysis of March for Life media coverage

Media Research Center writer Katie Yoder and KFUO Radio host Kip Allen discuss how the 2017 March for Life was covered by the mainstream media.

KFUO Audio: Professor Schmitt discusses new ‘Preach the Word’ project

Dr. David Schmitt, professor of homiletics at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, talks about the new “Preach the Word” project during an interview with KFUO Radio host Rev. Jonathan Fisk.

KFUO Audio: 2017 March for Life recap with LCMS Communications

LCMS Communications team members Deaconess Pam Nielsen, Dr. Kevin Armbrust and Erik Lunsford discuss their experiences after attending the 2017 March for Life on Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C.

KFUO Audio: Rev. Phil Zielinski shares ‘Eyes of Life’ story

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Rev. Phil Zielinski and his wife, Sara, in 2010 adopted five girls from the country of Columbia, and he discusses their “Eyes of Life” story during an interview with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates.

KFUO Audio: Poll results from 2016 National Youth Gathering

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod leaders share enlightening, comforting poll results following the 2016 National Youth Gathering.

Kids in the Divine Service: The Sanctuary

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers Kids in the Divine Service bulletin inserts for the Sanctuary for the Lutheran Service Book.

KFUO Audio: Disaster relief update in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

LCMS Disaster Response Director Rev. Ross Johnson gives an update about relief efforts after Hurricane Matthew stormed Haiti in October 2016.

KFUO Audio: ‘The Church & Mental Health Workshop’ preview

The Rev. Jeff Pflug and Richard Davenport joined KFUO Radio host Andy Bates to discuss “The Church & Mental Health Workshop” scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2017, at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dillsboro, Ind.

KFUO Audio: ‘Fifty Shades’ series and domestic violence impact

LCMS Deaconess Kim Schave and KFUO Radio host Andy Bates discuss the popular ‘Fifty Shades’ books and movies and their influence on domestic violence.

KFUO Audio: College student reflects on civil rights, choice for life

Hannah Hart, a college student at the University of Memphis, and the Rev. Marcus Zill share reflections on civil rights and the choice for life during The Student Union program on KFUO Radio.

KFUO Audio: Interviews, insight from 2017 March for Life

The Rev. Jonathan Fisk of KFUO Radio reports following the 2017 March for Life, which was Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C. Fisk shares interviews from Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod participants of all ages, and he offers insight regarding the pro-life movement and how we move forward as redeemed children of God.

KFUO Audio: 2017 March for Life review

March for Life president Jeanne Mancini reviews the 2017 March for Life with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen during a Free to be Faithful program on Feb. 15.