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LCMS Communications

Two settings of Luther’s Divine Service premiere at LCMS Worship Institute

Two new musical arrangements of Divine Service, Setting Five (Luther’s Divine Service) premiered at the 2017 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music held July 25-28 at Concordia University, Chicago, in River Forest, Ill.

LCMS Worship Institute draws 350-plus to study, pray, sing God’s Word

Attendees ponder the theme “The Just Live by Faith” at the 2017 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

Exhibit of Reformation-era books coming to Concordia, Chicago

The exhibit at Concordia University Chicago featuring 35 items from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries opens Oct. 8.

Got questions? August ‘Lutheran Witness’ has answers

Even stalwart Christians have questions about the faith — big queries about salvation, death and life, ethics and the Scriptures.

Taking Spiritual Vitals

This presentation will provide parish nurses with an overview of spiritual assessments as well as some simple-to-use guidelines for holistic care.

Missouri Synod missionaries from across U.S. accept calls to serve abroad

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has announced 10 missionaries accepting calls to serve in seven countries around the globe. The Synod’s newest missionaries serve in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Peru, Spain and Uganda.

Lutheran Hope Center, Community Empowerment Center of Ferguson – Grand Opening on July 26

ST. LOUIS — The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) will have clergy on hand representing the Lutheran Hope Center, part of the Community Empowerment Center of Ferguson, during the grand opening of the new facility which begins 10 a.m. July 26 at 9420 West Florissant Ave.

Video: 16th-century Indulgence Box: Trying to Buy Salvation

“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Indulgences led to the posting of the 95 Theses. Christ alone sets the soul free.

KFUO Audio: Goeglein discusses state of religious liberty in United States

Timothy Goeglein, vice-president for External Relations at Focus on the Family in Washington, D.C., addressed religious liberty issues in the United States with host Kip Allen during July’s “Free to be Faithful” program on Worldwide KFUO.

Rev. Bart Day accepts call to be Lutheran Church Extension Fund CEO and president

The Rev. Bart Day, executive director of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission, has accepted a call to become President and CEO of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund.

A Holistic Care Approach to Hoarding

The guest lecturer is Darlene Sorrell, RN, Parish Nurse at Hales Corner Lutheran Church, Hales Corner, Wis.

KFUO Audio: What makes a hate group?

Jim Campbell, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses how the charge of being a “hate group” is increasingly being used as a tool to delegitimize points of view and opinions that differ from the progressive narrative.

Missouri Synod announces Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty leader

ST. LOUIS — The Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, speaker for “The Lutheran Hour” radio program since 2011, has accepted the call to be the first executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s new Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL).

Lutheran leader offers press interviews as 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches

Rev. Harrison is available for interviews regarding the Reformation now through Oct. 31, as the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation approaches.

Parish Nurse Video Lecture Series: ‘Faith and Wellness’

Rev. Dr. David Ludwig presents a Parish Nurse Video Lecture Series program entitled “Faith and Wellness” for LCMS Health Ministry.

“Faith, Hope and Love: A Threefold Response to 13 Reasons Why”

Provides a timely theological response and reflection for teenagers, young adults and grown adults.