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LCMS Communications

Kids in the Divine Service: Pentecost

LCMS Worship offers Kids in the Divine Service bulletin inserts for Pentecost for the Lutheran Service Book. The series features the liturgy, sanctuary and information about the Divine Service.

Photo gallery: 2017 LCMS Life Conference

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod members and guests gathered for the 2017 LCMS Life Conference on Jan. 27-29 at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel in Arlington, Va.

Photo gallery: 2017 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod participated in the National March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 27.

Missouri Synod Lutherans join St. Louis Archdiocese in opposing Board Bill 203

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a national church body of 2 million members headquartered in St. Louis County, joins the Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, in opposing Board Bill 203, a proposed ordinance to amend the existing antidiscrimination law of the City of St. Louis. The aim of this Bill is to add “pregnancy and reproductive health decisions as protected classes.”

LCMS congregations may host free screening of new Luther movie

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations can host a screening of the new full-length film “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” at a movie theater in their community.

KFUO Audio: History, preview of March for Life

March for Life president Jeanne Mancini discusses the annual event with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen on Jan. 18, 2017, during a Free to be Faithful program.

Photo gallery: Liberty Conference and the Great Mustache Shave-Off

“Liberty,” the 2017 National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference, was Jan. 4-6 on the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park, Md. “The Mustache Resolution” was also settled between LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and LCMS Montana District President Rev. Terry Forke.

Kids in the Divine Service: Lent and Easter

LCMS Worship offers Kids in the Divine Service bulletin inserts for Lent and Easter for the Lutheran Service Book.

‘Dear Health-Care Professional Taking Care of My Mom with Alzheimer’s’

DiLeone will share her experiences as a daughter who shared the journey through Alzheimer’s disease with her mother.

Free resources can help congregations celebrate 500th Reformation anniversary

The 500th anniversary of the Reformation is an excellent opportunity for congregations to proclaim the Gospel in their communities.

In January’s ‘Lutheran Witness’

In conjunction with the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., this edition previews life-related issues.

KFUO Audio: The Secularization of Christmas

During a Dec. 21 “Free to be Faithful” radio program, the Rev. Christopher Thoma and Worldwide KFUO moderator Kip Allen Recent discussed instances of government hostility toward religion and the secularization of Christmas.

Welcome to Earth, O noble Guest!

Merry Christmas to you and yours from The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. May Christ dwell in you richly this season.

Church Year Calendar Spreadsheet

Rev. Kurtis Bueltmann, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Monticello, Ill., created a color-coded spreadsheet to look ahead to the church year of any given year at a glance.

Special mission journal explores LCMS membership decline

Demographic reports in this special December “Journal of Lutheran Mission” explain the main reasons behind the decline and offer suggestions for reversing the trend.

KFUO Audio: 2017 Life Conference Preview

The 2017 LCMS Life Conference is Jan. 27-29 in Arlington, Va., and four of the speakers were on KFUO to talk about the importance of discussing life issues.