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LCMS Communications

Mercy Essays Series: Christ’s Mercy

Readers will learn about mercy’s roots in the Old Testament, how to make the case for showing mercy in the world, the vocation of Christians as it pertains to showing care to the neighbor and even what it means to be a Lutheran engaging in acts of mercy in today’s social ministries circles.

Photo gallery: Flood damage in St. Louis, other Missouri communities

Floodwaters swept through St. Louis and other Missouri communities in the days following Christmas 2015, and the massive flooding damaged homes and business while also closing several roads, including highways and interstates.

Sudanese church leader visits LCMS International Center

Bishop Elijah Arok relays his Anglican church body’s interest in gaining a rich and full knowledge of Lutheran theology and one day becoming a Lutheran church body.

Report on the 2012-15 Meetings of ELS, LCMS, and WELS Leaders

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod have released a report on informal dialogue between the synods that began in 2012.

Audio: Rev. Day Discusses LCMS Dissolving Memorandum of Understanding with BSA

The Rev. Bart Day, executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission, recently discussed the formal dissolution of the Memorandum of Understanding between the LCMS and the Boy Scouts of America.

Boy Scouts of America Update

MOU with Boy Scouts of America is “no longer tenable;” potential legal concerns exist for chartering LCMS congregations.

Photo gallery: Caring for refugees in Germany

With more than a million Middle Eastern asylum-seekers, flooding into Europe, a new mission field is growing exponentially for the Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (SELK), a church body that has been actively receiving refugees and catechizing them for decades.

KFUO Audio: Lutheran Young Adult Corps

The Rev. Mark Kiessling and Julianna Shults, LCMS Office of National Mission, discuss the development of the new Lutheran Young Adult Corps. The Corps provides 2-10 month opportunities to serve for adults ages 18-26.

KFUO Audio: Free to be Faithful interview with Erik Stanley

Attorney Erik Stanley (Alliance Defending Freedom) and KFUO moderator Kip Allen discuss the impact of religious liberty on schools and students and talks about preparing religious institutions from secular challenges.

Audio: 2015 Infertility Ethics Symposium

LCMS Life Ministry’s second-annual Infertility Ethics Symposium was held on Nov. 7 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

A Brief Advent Devotion for the Family Table

LCMS Worship suggests the following Advent Devotion for use at home. Family members may take turns reading the prophesy for each day from Nov. 29 to Christmas Eve.

Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace

LCMS Worship suggests the following Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace for blessing the Thanksgiving table at home. Download the litany and grace below, and you may print a copy for each place setting.

Letter from Rev. Weedon: A Radical Christmas!

Rev. William Weedon, Director of LCMS Worship, offers a rad idea: Why not do the liturgy in the hymnal with all the Propers this Christmas?

The LCMS is joining Giving Tuesday

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is joining Giving Tuesday and asking people around the world to make a difference through charitable giving on a single day, Dec. 1.

Hymn suggestions for Series C — 2015-16

The following hymn suggestions are offered for Series C during 2015-16.

Proclaiming the Word in Song: Hymn Suggestions for the One-Year Series

The following list is offered with the intent that the people of God not only hear the Word as proclaimed in the readings and the sermon, but also join in the proclamation of each Sunday or feast.