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LCMS Communications

St. Louis sem, CHI get new addresses

Although they haven’t moved an inch physically, Concordia Seminary and Concordia Historical Institute (CHI) on the St. Louis seminary campus have new addresses on a new “main street.” The seminary’s street address — also its new mailing address — is…

Online Bible study released

An interactive Bible study to accompany the “Who Is Jesus?” multi-media presentation on the LCMS Web site was posted to the site Oct. 29.  The study may be directly accessed from the Synod’s home page at . The five-part study provides…

Schreiber named director of armed-forces ministry

Dr. Mark J. Schreiber of Jacksonville, Fla., began serving Oct. 1 as director of the Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces, a division of LCMS World Mission. Schreiber, 54, succeeds Chaplain Rodger Venzke, who retired after serving more than eight…

Handcraft Project offers catalog of international gifts

The 2004-05 Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Handcraft Project catalog — featuring more than 600 handmade items from artisans around the world — is now available. Included in the catalog are food and home-decor items, baskets, jewelry, nativity sets, kitchenware, games…

People in the News

Dr. Dale A. Meyer has been appointed interim president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, effective Nov. 4. That is the day Dr. John F. Johnson, the seminary’s president since 1990, begins as president of Concordia University, River Forest, Ill. Meyer…

LCMS congregations report membership of 2,488,936

By Joe Isenhower Jr.  Although statistics that Synod congregations reported for the end of 2003 show a rise in contributions and “weekday religion-class” attendance, “the real story is that membership is still declining,” according Dr. John O’Hara, research analyst for…

CPH offers `Luther` at discount price

Concordia Publishing House is offering “Luther,” the 2003 film about the reformer’s life and times, for pre-release purchase in DVD and VHS formats.  CPH will start shipping orders Nov. 30, the release date set by MGM Home Entertainment. The “limited-time” price…

Commissions elect officers

Two Synod commissions appointed by Synod President Gerald Kieschnick — the Commission on Worship and the Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support — have met and elected officers for the next three years. Kieschnick also appointed three members to the Commission…

Communications gets grant for crisis management

Teams from five districts and the Synod’s International Center have been trained or are being trained for crisis management, thanks to a $32,283 grant to the Board for Communication Services from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. “It is very important that the…

Pressure Points, with Dr. Bruce Hartung (November)

Q: Have you addressed the issue of a Christian using tobacco products even with the current medical research indicating that it destroys our body, which is the temple of the Lord?  It seems to me that this also falls into…

Letters to the Editor

‘It’ and the English language Regarding the debate on Amendment A to change Art. XI. F. 2. of the Synod’s constitution (Oct. ’04 Reporter), the following observations: Anyone with a sense of  English syntax has no difficulty seeing that the pronoun “it”…

Items wanted, available

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted Copies of Manna devotional book by Carl Manthey-Zorn. …


Concordia University, River Forest, Ill., invites applications for faculty positions in various departments and disciplines.  The number of positions to be filled will be determined by budget availability and the qualification of the applicants.  The university will assign the academic…

Requests for reinstatement

CLIFFORD L. BACH, Noorvik, Ark., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  DAVID GOEKE, San Antonio, Texas; JEANNE HOLTEN, Nicollet, Minn.; KIMBERLY A. MAY, Chicago, Ill.; JULIE RUECKER, Anaheim, Calif.; MARTIN VIETS,…

Official Notice: District, LCEF, Foundation audits

The audits and summary budgets of the Synod’s 35 districts have been completed and are available upon written request.  Write or contact your district office directly.  The address of each district is published in the 2004 Lutheran Annual. The audits and…

Committee discusses LCMS role in Lutheran-Catholic dialogue

The possibility of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod once again being a full participant in the Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue was raised Oct. 14 at a meeting in Chicago of the Committee on Lutheran Cooperation (CLC). The CLC has six members from each…