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LCMS Communications

Dawkins says he's not entirely sure God doesn't exist

LONDON (RNS) — A controversial Oxford University professor billed by many as the world’s “most famous atheist” now says he is not 100 percent sure that God doesn’t exist — but just barely. In a 100-minute debate with Archbishop of Canterbury…

Lutherans find common ground with Catholics on Obama mandate

ST. LOUIS (RNS) — Lutherans and Catholics are not historically known for their theological sympathy, but in February the president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) told the U.S. House that he will “stand with our friends in the Catholic…

Re-branding a religion hard, not always successful

NEW YORK (RNS) — Did leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) hurt their missionary cause by opting not to change the denomination’s name to something a bit more, well, marketable? Maybe, but as the advertising executives of Madison Avenue here…

First synodwide campus conference in 10 years planned

The Synod’s first national conference in 10 years for college students and others in LCMS campus ministries is set for Jan. 3-5, 2013, at Saint Louis University (SLU) in midtown St. Louis. Sponsored by the Synod’s Office of National Mission (ONM),…

LCMS coordinates response to Indiana, Kentucky tornadoes

By Sarah Schafer “I’m standing in a parking lot here in Marysville and in every direction I look, there’s not a single house or building that hasn’t been damaged somehow,” LCMS Indiana District President Rev. Dr. Daniel P. May said Monday,…

Synod president issues 'Schools Week' proclamation

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison has issued a proclamation announcing “National Lutheran Schools Week” March 4-10. The annual observance recognizes the contributions of Lutheran education through the Synod’s 2,400 early childhood centers, elementary schools and high schools nationwide. Synod schools…

Tornado update: Reporting LCMS congregations spared, assessment under way

By Sarah Schafer According to early reports Saturday, March 3, LCMS congregations and members were spared by the severe storm system Friday that produced dozens of tornadoes across 10 states, killing 35 in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Alabama, and resulting…

Armed forces ministry recognized for supporting employees

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces is one of 15 organizations named as a 2011 “Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award” nominee for the St. Louis area. The award is the highest recognition given by the U.S.…

Tornado relief volunteers: Call first

Editor’s note: At this writing (6 p.m. Central on Friday, March 2), LCMS Disaster Response staff have contacted congregations in Alabama, Indiana and Kentucky. About half of them have confirmed no major LCMS damages or fatalities from March 2 storms…

Mission boards hear priorities, continue policy work

By Joe Isenhower Jr. and Elizabeth M. Truong  ST. LOUIS — The LCMS Boards for National and International Mission heard reports of priorities from Synod mission executives and continued their primary work of developing policies during their Feb. 3-4 meeting…

Mahnken joins CPS as chief marketing officer

Glenn Mahnken, former senior vice-president of marketing and customer support with the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF), has joined Concordia Plan Services (CPS) as its chief marketing officer. In his new post, he is responsible for the oversight of CPS education,…

Jones, Buuck fill posts with LCEF

Becca Jones and Tom Buuck began filling two leadership positions with the Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s St. Louis office in early January.   Jones became senior vice-president, Marketing and Customer Support, on Jan. 4, in the post that became vacant when…

Storms pummel Midwest, LCMS churches spared

LCMS churches and members in Kansas, southern Missouri and Illinois seem to have escaped major damages in a deadly Feb. 28-29 storm that killed 12 people and injured more than 100 others. The Rev. Glenn Merritt, director of LCMS Disaster Response,…

National Mission grant funds 700 audio Bibles

A $35,000 grant from the Synod’s Office of National Mission to Lutheran Blind Mission (LBM) is being used to purchase and distribute 700 digital audio Bibles. The Talking Bibles are “very blind-friendly,” according to the Rev. Dave Andrus, LBM executive director,…

Karner spotlights 'real issue' behind controversial mandate

By Kim Plummer Krull LCMS Life and Health Ministries Director Maggie Karner said she hopes her participation in a Feb. 27 panel discussion in Washington, D.C., helps spotlight what she calls the “real issue” behind the controversial mandate recently issued by…

COP commends Harrison, issues resolution of support

By James Heine ST. LOUIS — At its regular meeting Feb. 18-21, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Council of Presidents (COP) commended Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison for the statements he made in response to the recent United States Department of…