On July 23, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison honored outgoing Third Vice-President Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier and recognized the newly elected members of the Praesidium.

Convention ‘group shot’ available
The photo — a composite of seven individual shots taken from the convention stage — is available for free download.

Kreklau highlights LWML goals, grants
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League President Kay Kreklau updates the LCMS convention about the auxiliary.

Harrison leaves chair to address resolution
“Luther bases the entire structure of Lutheran church government on the word ‘visitation,’” the Synod president said from the convention floor.

Delegates debate church-fellowship procedures, theology-related resolutions
In their first convention appearance, the Theology and Church Relations floor committee presents six resolutions — five of which are adopted.

You share prestigious award, says CPH’s Kintz
You share prestigious national award, CPH President and CEO Dr. Bruce G. Kintz tells LCMS members at the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Convention affirms altar, pulpit fellowship with Siberian Church
Delegates sing the Doxology to celebrate a new partnership between the LCMS and the SELC.

Seltz: We are baptized for ‘witness to a weary world’
The Rev. Gregory Seltz, speaker of “The Lutheran Hour,” preaches to convention-goers.

Schulz, Edwards elected as regional members of Board of Directors
Convention delegates elect LCMS Board of Directors members from two of its five newly-created regions.

Hartwig re-elected as LCMS secretary
Incumbent receives 839 votes, or 83.7 percent of the ballots cast to serve his sixth three-year term in the office.

Convention recognizes missionaries
Four LCMS missionaries and the sister of a deceased missionary are honored with a standing ovation.

Delegates affirm Global Seminary Initiative, encourage unified mission work
Delegates adopt three resolutions brought before the 2013 LCMS convention by the floor committee on Witness.

Convention affirms fellowship with Liberian church
Delegates sing the Doxology to celebrate a new partnership between the LCMS and the ELCL.

Bolay declares convention delegates are ‘all called to witness’
Despite the difficult circumstances in which the Liberian church leader found himself years ago, he said “Evil will never triumph over good. I am a witness to the goodness of God.”

Harrison introduces ‘joys of my life’
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison turns the spotlight on the woman he calls a joy and blessing, his wife Kathy Harrison, and the couple’s two sons.