The Fall 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World shows how Lutherans are doing good — for residents of retirement communities, for children in Kenya, for homeowners in need of a little extra help, and in many other ways.
Reading & Study

October ‘LW’: Difficult teachings of the Bible
The October issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up difficult teachings of the Bible.

September ‘LW’ digs in to archaeology and apologetics
The issue explores both the promise and limits of archaeology in the apologetic task.

August ‘Witness’: Ancient and modern heresies
The August issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses ancient heresies such as Arianism and Eutychianism as well as modern heresies such as the Prosperity Gospel or Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.

‘Lutherans Engage’: Serving refugees in Germany
Lutherans around the world continue to find new and unexpected ways to serve their neighbor.

Summer ‘Lutheran Witness’ previews convention
Most important, readers will be reminded of Christ and Him crucified for the sins of the world.

Marks of the church: May ‘LW’
The seven marks of the church help identify faithful Lutheran churches around the world.

‘A Chaste and Decent Life’: CTCR updates 1981 report
The update is a direct response to resolutions adopted by the Synod in convention in 2016 and 2019.

Spring ‘Engage’: The Word at work
The Spring 2023 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ gives a glimpse of how the Word of God is at work in the United States and around the world.

April ‘Lutheran Witness’: Three estates
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ guide and direct the entire life of the Christian.

March ‘Lutheran Witness’: Reaching the ‘Nones’
The fastest-growing religious group in the United States is those who, when asked about their religious preference, mark “none.”

God’s care for soul and mind: February ‘Witness’
The issue includes the story of the Rev. Michael Kasting’s journey navigating the fatigue and challenges of caring for his wife, Sue, after her diagnosis with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

God’s abundant grace: A sermon from Luther
A sermon of Martin Luther from April 6, 1541, is translated by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.

Winter ‘Engage’: Lutherans on the move
The Winter 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World tells stories of Lutherans around the world who know that church is “the place … to be.”

January ‘Witness’: Life after Roe
The January issue offers a broad array of articles to help you and your congregation think about pro-life opportunities.

‘Behold the Man’: December LW
The December issue of The Lutheran Witness explores how Lutheran anthropology informs and directs our lives here and in the life to come.