This article is the second in a series observing Hispanic Heritage Month.
Reading & Study

September ‘Witness’: Thinking about your funeral
The September issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the Lutheran funeral in depth.

Suicide prevention resources focus on biblical response
National Suicide Prevention Week is Sept. 5–11, and World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10.

August ‘Witness’: Church workers needed
In the August issue of LW, the Rev. Dr. James Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, explains why and how the Church Worker Recruitment Initiative will be vital to the work of the LCMS.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission: ‘Caring for the Homeless with the Theology of the Cross’
The Biblical Charities Continuing Education, which promotes applied mercy-education in connection with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, sponsored a roundtable discussion on “Caring for the Homeless with the Theology of the Cross.”

Three-year Bible reading guide updated
The guide is a collaborative project of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Lutheran Church—Canada and the North American Lutheran Church.

Spring/Summer ‘Engage’: ‘Whenever and wherever’
The combined Spring/Summer 2021 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shows Lutherans continuing to love and serve their neighbors in new and nimble ways.

‘Una Sancta’: June/July ‘Witness’
The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness explores what it means to be “the one, holy Christian and apostolic Church.”

May ‘Lutheran Witness’: Seek first the kingdom of God
The May issue addresses the temptation to seek after worldly things ahead of the kingdom of God.

April ‘Witness’: Four Gospels, one Jesus
All four Gospels tell the story of Jesus’ life, suffering, death and resurrection in a unique way, to a unique audience.

March ‘Witness’: Superstitions
The March issue of The Lutheran Witness examines superstitions and superstitious practices and beliefs.

February ‘Witness’: Reading the Bible
The February issue urges readers to return to the Word of God, especially at home.

January ‘Witness’: Living a chaste and decent life
Chastity is not simply about “waiting for marriage,” but about the entire life of the believer.

December ‘Witness’: The gift that gives eternal life
The December issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ explores how the Old Testament portrays and points to the Second Person of the Trinity, the eternally begotten Son of God.

November ‘Witness’: Medicine for the soul
The November issue takes up the discussion of the Lord’s Supper, fellowship and closed Communion.