St. Paul’s letter provides the key, not only to the Reformation, but to the entirety of the Christian life.
Reading & Study

‘Lutheran Witness’ introduces new website, podcast
The refreshed LW site is more user-friendly and accessible.

Summer ‘Engage’: Serving in the time of COVID-19
Read updates about how LCMS missionaries, military chaplains, pastors and congregations are navigating quarantines and lockdowns.

CTCR releases Addendum to ‘Communion and Covid-19’ opinion
The Addendum is titled, “One little word can fell him: Ten reasons to question whether ‘online Communion’ is ‘truly good, right and salutary.’”

June/July ‘Witness’: Walking by faith during COVID-19
The issue begins to ask questions about what the church has learned about how it can continue to witness during government shutdowns.

Pastoral Ed holds church worker recruitment meeting, publishes pastoral formation ‘white paper’
The measures grew out of Resolution 6-01, passed at the 2019 LCMS convention in Tampa, Fla.

‘In sickness and in health’: May ‘Lutheran Witness’
The issue explains how to keep Christ at the center of the wedding day and how Christ cares for His Bride, the church.

An unexpected visit
The Rev. Dr. Hans-Jörg Voigt recalls a visit from LCMS President Rev. Dr. John William Behnken soon after the end of World War II and the kindness of Lutherans from America and England.

From the mission field – Free, online catechisms
Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Publishing House has announced the release of downloadable, online versions of Luther’s Small Catechism in multiple languages.

Spring ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shows Christ’s love for the hurting
Included in the issue are stories about what it looks like, as Christ’s followers, to make disciples for life.

April ‘Witness’ defends biblical teaching about Jesus’ resurrection
The issue also shares tips for talking to friends and family about the resurrection, examines what 1 Corinthians 15 says about the resurrection, and extols hymns that celebrate the resurrection.

March ‘Lutheran Witness’ focuses on fasting, temptation
The issue covers topics such as fasting in modern times, avoiding abuses of fasting and the biblical background of fasting.

Free resource summarizes LCMS youth ministry study on millennials and the church
The resource is available in either paperback or e-book format from Concordia Publishing House.

January ‘Lutheran Witness’ ponders grace
Included in January is a theological explanation of the different teachings about grace, a reflection on how we are to graciously forgive one another, and a reminder that the God whose grace saves us invites us to pray.

Winter ‘Engage’: Sharing the Gospel in unexpected places
The Winter 2020 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ is full of stories about the Gospel going forth in unexpected ways and reaching people through unexpected ministries — particularly through music.