Politics and religion Recently in both Reporter and The Lutheran Witness, there have been articles…
Items wanted, available (January)
Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. …
Positions (January)
Concordia Publishing House, the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, is searching for an…
Requests for Reinstatement (January)
THOMAS BIRD, Kansas City, Kan.; KATHRYN BAGANZ, Oconomowoc, Wis.; ROBERTA BEISWENGER, Prior Lake, Minn.; MICHELLE…
Help is available for church workers in debt
While two-thirds of LCMS church workers would speak to a financial professional if their debts…
Lilly grant funds LCMS family`s study in England
Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church, Payson, Ariz., has received a $44,270 grant from Indianapolis-based…
Two years after tsunami: suffering, silver linings
By Kim Krull Expanding an orphanage in Sri Lanka. Providing metal storage cabinets in India.…
Seminaries offer free calendars
Both Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod seminaries are offering free copies of their 2007 wall calendars. The…
New Congress includes 18 Lutherans
When the 110th Congress of the United States is sworn in Jan. 4, it will…
Kieschnicks to ride LHM float in Rose Parade
LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick and his wife, Terry, will ride “The Lutheran Hour” float in…
Seminary offers Advent devotions online
The Admission Department of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, is posting daily devotions on the…
St. Louis seminary launches new Web site
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, last month launched a new Web site that’s designed to provide…
Connolly steps down as LFC director
After 15 years of overseeing 500 projects, Curt Connolly has stepped down as director of…
Lutheran Blind Mission to offer large-type, braille hymnals
Within the next few months, Lutheran Blind Mission (LBM) expects to produce the new hymnal,…
St. Louis seminary plans to sell former CBC campus
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, has announced its intention to sell the 8.2-acre former Christian Brothers…
Stewardship projects receive Thrivent grants
With goals to develop “learning communities” in congregations and advocates in districts, two stewardship projects…