Prominent scholars from several Christian traditions are expected to issue a strong “wake-up call to…
13th Arizona `Lutherhostel` set for March
The 13th annual Arizona Lutherhostel sponsored by the Association for Lutheran Older Adults (ALOA) will…
LHM offers free bulletin inserts
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) provides free quarterly bulletin inserts that are designed to help congregations…
High school youth explore church vocations
Dozens of teenagers from all over the United States learned about church vocations at the…
Positions (October)
Lutheran Hour Ministries, St. Louis, is seeking to fill the position of gift planning director.…
Kintz is new CPH president/CEO
The Board of Directors of Concordia Publishing House has elected Bruce G. Kintz as CPH’s…
Ten`college fairs` planned
Ten “Lutheran college fairs” are planned for this fall at various sites around the country.…
Dr. Edward Westcott, former missions director, dies
Dr. Edward A. Westcott Jr., former executive director of the Synod’s Board for Mission Services,…
Record number of missionaries are extending service
By Paula Schlueter Ross Thirty of the Synod’s 70 or so long-term missionaries who are…
Concordia, Austin, seeks provost (September)
Concordia University at Austin seeks a provost to direct and accomplish the academic mission of…
NLSA group accredits 106 Lutheran schools
Last month, 106 Lutheran schools were accredited by the National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA), bringing…
Concordia Plans names three to management posts
Jim Sanft and Linda Olsen have been named to new positions with Concordia Plan Services…
(September) Pressure Points
with Dr. Bruce Hartung The July “Pressure Points” dealt with suggestions for welcoming new professional…
Hymnal workshops start
Pastors and church musicians are not the only ones who will benefit from 280 introductory…
LCMS Salary Information
The Synod’s policy of full financial disclosure provides for making available to members of the…
Convention votes to place Hispanic counselor
Participants at the second National Hispanic Lutheran Convention, July 19-22 in Irving, Texas, want to…