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Statements & Letters
Lutheran leader offers press interviews as 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches

Rev. Harrison is available for interviews regarding the Reformation now through Oct. 31, as the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation approaches.

LCMS letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense: Protecting religious freedom for our troops

The LCMS has submitted a formal request to the Secretary of Defense to ensure specific protections for chaplains, service members, medical personnel, DoD civilians and other DoD-affiliated employees, per the recently mandated LGBT Pride Month and the new DoD policies on transgender service members, which include in-service gender transitions while serving in the military.

Statements & Letters
FAQs address issues raised by former CCM members

An open letter to the Synod by three former members of the Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM) has recently been widely disseminated.

President Harrison provides a Lutheran view of church and state

Dear Brothers in the Office of the Ministry, “I thank my God in all my…

Boy Scouts of America Update

MOU with Boy Scouts of America is “no longer tenable;” potential legal concerns exist for chartering LCMS congregations.

Synod officials say recent videos ‘lay evil bare’

The infanticide that is occurring at Planned Parenthood must end. It is not simply time to defund that organization; it is time to end abortion in the United States altogether.

LCMS denounces Planned Parenthood

LCMS leadership reminds Lutherans that unborn lives matter

Statements & Letters
Synod president responds to SCOTUS same-sex marriage ruling

‘Ramifications of Court’s decision are seismic.’

Statements & Letters
LCMS president signs letter reaffirming marriage

On Thursday, April 23, LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison, along with other religious leaders, signed an open letter reaffirming one-man, one-woman marriage.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison Letter: The Time to Act

Our D.C. office will produce significant briefs on vital topics, such as the two kingdoms teaching. It will provide contact with LCMS elected officials, as well as encouragement and training for LCMS members (and other Lutherans) interested in running for office or serving in government. It will be a locus for the many young LCMS staffers who serve in D.C. and who are marvelous and active Christians.

A Letter to Pastors from President Harrison — The First Sunday in Lent, A.D. 2015

Dear Brothers in the office, we have a sacred vocation of service. We serve. Because we bear Christ’s own office, an office our Confessions say is derived from Christ and the apostles, we can expect among the joys and great blessings, thorns, trials, crosses and difficulties. Some of these are brought upon us by the weaknesses of those whom we serve. But the office is an office designed only to serve sinners!

Walking with our African partners to fight Ebola

As Ebola continues its deadly sweep across West Africa — the death toll rising to some 3,500 at this writing — the people of the LCMS continue to respond with prayer and support for our relief efforts.

Statements & Letters
Missouri Synod Lutherans continue Philippine disaster-relief efforts

ST. LOUIS, April 30, 2014—Many teams and organizations sent to assist with last fall’s Typhoon Haiyan recovery efforts have already left the Philippines, just four months after the disaster.

Statements & Letters
LCMS Releases Statement on Scouting

Congregations advised to make own decisions on Boy Scouts involvement

Statements & Letters
Missouri Synod president issues letter to congregations on scouting

Harrison’s counsel: participation in scouting is matter for individual congregations

Statements & Letters
Johnson named director of Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response ministry

ST. LOUIS, September 5, 2013—The Rev. Ross E. Johnson has accepted a call to serve as director of LCMS Disaster Response, the disaster response and human care ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), effective Sept. 3.