church music

Serving in all seasons

Two seasoned LCMS Lutherans are demonstrating that the Lord’s call to serve one’s neighbor never ends.

‘And they sang’: Worship institute covers entire psalter in four days

More than 500 pastors, musicians and laity attended the 2024 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

Singing the Bible’s hymnal: Worship institute spotlights psalter

Registration is now open for the 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

‘A way to serve’: Organist honored for 70 years at same congregation

Eileen Jones began serving at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Britton, Mich., when she was 16 years old.

From the mission field: Music and liturgy workshop in Congo

Sacred music educator and missionary Phillip Magness recently returned from three weeks in the Republic of Congo, where he led a hymnody and liturgy workshop at Wittenberg Parish in Pointe-Noire, consulted with church leaders on future projects, and worked with the musicians at St. Augustine Lutheran Church in Brazzaville. 

Obituary: Dr. Carl Flentge Schalk, professor, Concordia University Chicago

Dr. Carl Flentge Schalk, composer and retired professor of church music at Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill., died on Jan. 24 at the age of 91.

Winter ‘Engage’: Sharing the Gospel in unexpected places

The Winter 2020 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ is full of stories about the Gospel going forth in unexpected ways and reaching people through unexpected ministries — particularly through music.

Nurturing singing — and faith — through music education

LCMS church musicians and educators learn strategies for increasing music literacy by developing aural skills.

Collegium Vocale of St. Louis to present four cantatas of Christoph Graupner, 18th-century Lutheran cantor

The works of Graupner, a contemporary of Bach, are enjoying renewed interest after having been “lost” for many years.

Two settings of Luther’s Divine Service premiere at LCMS Worship Institute

Two new musical arrangements of Divine Service, Setting Five (Luther’s Divine Service) premiered at the 2017 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music held July 25-28 at Concordia University, Chicago, in River Forest, Ill.

LCMS Worship Institute draws 350-plus to study, pray, sing God’s Word

Attendees ponder the theme “The Just Live by Faith” at the 2017 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

Wrong turn opens door to worship-institute theme

The 2014 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music, July 28-31 in Seward, Neb., draws more than 400 participants.