MinistryFOCUS offers grants to pastors, teachers, directors of Christian education and other rostered LCMS church workers.
Concordia University Wisconsin
Campus clips: Concordias receive honors, launch new programs
Updates from LCMS universities, seminaries and campus ministries.
Campus clips: Confessing the faith on campus and beyond
Updates from LCMS campus ministries, universities and seminaries.
Rajek installed as OIM executive director
Rajek previously served as director of the LCMS Eurasia region.
Campus clips: Focus on faith
Updates from LCMS schools, campus ministries, universities and seminaries.
Hardy installed as CUS president
The Rev. Dr. Jamison J. Hardy was installed as president of the Concordia University System on July 23 in St. Louis.
Harrison writes pastoral letter to CUWAA Board of Regents
The full text of the letter is now being made publicly available.
Campus clips: Mission, learning and honors
Updates submitted by LCMS schools, campus ministries, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips: Commencements and more
Updates from LCMS day schools, campus ministries, universities and seminaries.
Obituary: Rev. Dr. John C. Wille, president of the LCMS South Wisconsin District
A funeral is set for June 18 at 11 a.m. in the Chapel of Christ Triumphant at CUW, 12800 N. Lake Shore Dr., Mequon, Wis.
Campus clips: Learning for all ages
Updates from LCMS day schools, LCMS U chapters, universities and seminaries.
Campus ministry staff to gather in May
The LCMS U Campus Ministry Staff Conference is set for May 29–30 at Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wis.
Campus clips: DCEs, counselors and pharmacists
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips: Music, theology, basketball
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.
DOXOLOGY honors Yahnke, celebrates 15 years
DOXOLOGY, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, was developed to train pastors in theologically sound strategies for caring for their own mental health as well as that of their flock.
Campus clips: Music, honors, study and travel
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.