
A ‘wall of water’: Iowa floods strike three LCMS congregations

A response to the June 22 flooding is underway.

Lutherans offer Christ’s comfort after Iowa school shooting

Two LCMS congregations joined with two LCMS Recognized Service Organizations to provide Gospel hope and healing to the suffering.

LCMS pastors gather in Iowa state capital

In March, pastors from throughout Iowa gathered in Des Moines to meet with their state legislators.

Lutherans respond after ‘derecho’ wind storm devastates Iowa cities and farms

On Monday, Aug. 10, the storm tore through the Midwest, taking down trees and power lines, leveling corn crops, and cutting the area off from power and phone signals.

Nebraska, other states face historic flooding

On Thursday, March 21, Synod representatives will visit Nebraska to conduct an assessment of damage with the district president and other officials.

LCMS members play key role in passing Iowa fetal heartbeat bill

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the bill — which prohibits most abortions once a heartbeat is detectable by ultrasound — on May 4. Previously in Iowa, most abortions were permitted up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.