Synod rolls out 'refreshed' look

The modification of the LCMS cross logo from burgundy to blue is one of the most notable changes in the Synod’s refreshed branding that is being introduced in April, according to Vicki Biggs, director of Integrated Communications for the Synod. “Our…

Grant to help with critical needs after Mexico quake

By Kim Plummer Krull An initial grant of $2,500 has been sent by the LCMS to the Lutheran Synod of Mexico to help Mexico City congregations respond to survivors’ most critical needs for food, water, medical care and shelter since a…

'Convention Corner' provides updates

Following is the first in a series of Reporter columns that will provide information about the next LCMS national convention. Convention Corner with Barbara A. Below As the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod approaches, this Reporter column…

Franklin Graham meets with black church leaders

(RNS) — Religious leaders from the NAACP met with evangelist Franklin Graham March 20, less than a month after they accused him of “bearing false witness” when he questioned President Obama’s Christian faith. “All parties were in agreement that it is…

Coptic Christians mourn death of Pope Shenouda III

(RNS/ENInews) — Egyptian Christians are mourning the death of Pope Shenouda III, the longtime leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church, who died on March 17 at the age of 88. His funeral was March 21 at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo,…

Man behind 'Rapture pets' rescue admits it's a hoax

(RNS) — The owner of a business who claimed he would provide atheist rescuers for Christians’ pets left behind in the Rapture now says his service was an elaborate hoax and never had any clients. Bart Centre, who lives in New…

'Blue Like Jazz' films aims to be Christian, not 'cheesy'

(RNS) — Do not confuse the upcoming film “Blue Like Jazz” with Christian market movies like “Fireproof” or “Courageous.” “A Christian movie genre has formed. Our first goal with this movie is that we didn’t fit into this genre,” said director…

Turkey, key U.S. ally, cited for religious freedom woes

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Turkey stands as a new and controversial addition to an annual list of the worst offenders of religious freedom released March 20 by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Four of nine commissioners objected to adding…

Report says anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Days after a lone gunman murdered a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France, a new study reports widespread anti-Semitism in France and across Europe. The survey, completed in January and released March 20…

Vatican ends probe of clergy abuse in Ireland

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Following a yearlong investigation into decades of rampant abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, the Vatican on March 20 called for more rigorous screening of would-be priests and compulsory child-protection classes in seminaries. Pope Benedict…

Pressure Points (April 2012)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung The last two columns related to spiritual warfare elicited a number of different reflections on ways that readers have fought in this battle, as well as suggestions they offer as encouragement for others. To read February’s…

Letters to the Editor (April 2012)

Defending freedom I am a Lutheran and I am so proud of our President Matthew Harrison. He spoke clearly and strongly in defense of our religious liberty. I believe government should defend people’s freedom, not attack it. I am very…

Positions (April 2012)

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, currently is engaged in a search for a director of Library Services. The seminary serves the Church and world by providing theological education and leadership, centered in the Gospel, to form pastors, deaconesses, missionaries and leaders…

Call for nominations — college president (April 2012)

Concordia College–New York, Bronxville, N.Y., seeks nominations for the position of president. The president is the chief executive officer of the college and serves as the college’s spiritual, academic and administrative head. The official functions of the office of the…

Items wanted, available (April 2012)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Notices may be sent to Jennifer Duffy at…

Official Notice — 2013 Synod Convention (April 2012)

The 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod will be held July 20-25, 2013, at the America’s Center Convention Complex, St. Louis, Mo. Election of Voting Delegates Bylaws 3.1.2- [2010 Handbook, pp. 99-101] set forth the provisions governing official…