James Gottry, legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, writes that the U.S. Supreme Court might rule in favor of religious nonprofits on the basis of religious discrimination.
Reformation Relevance: How to study theology
In the preface to his published German writings, Martin Luther explains why people should concentrate especially on reading the Bible.
KFUO Audio: Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music
Get a preview of all the wonderful things happening at this summer’s triennial LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.
KFUO Audio: Supreme Court hears ‘playground case’ of Trinity Lutheran of Columbia v. Comer
The United States Supreme Court on April 19 heard oral arguments for Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer, a case involving an LCMS congregation. Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christiana Holcomb talks about the ‘playground case’ with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen during a “Free to be Faithful” program.
KFUO Audio: Deaconesses, students discuss mercy trip to Peru
Deaconesses and deaconess students with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod discussed their recent mercy expedition to Peru with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates.
KFUO Audio: Adoptee shares story after birth mother chose life
Kim Glassman’s birth mother put her up for adoption with a caring family. She shares her life story with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen.
Audio: Reproaches from Good Friday liturgy in Lutheran Service Book
LCMS Worship provides an opportunity for pastors to learn to chant in the Reproaches from the Good Friday liturgy in Lutheran Service Book: Altar Book.
Kids in the Divine Service: The Liturgy
LCMS Worship offers Kids in the Divine Service bulletin inserts for the Liturgy that complement the Lutheran Service Book.
Serving school children in parochial schools and parishes
Braun’s presentation will provide helpful ideas for parish nurses with or without a school.
2017-18 LCMS Church Year Calendars: Series B and One-Year Series
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Worship Ministry provides the Bible readings for the 2017-18 Series B and One-Year Series church year calendars.
‘Hope and Healing: A Bible Study’ shares Christ’s comfort with victims of sexual assault and violence
In Christ, there is hope and healing for survivors of sexual assault. The perfect peace of the Gospel is vital for women who are suffering.
KFUO Audio: Attorney discusses case of florist sued for marriage beliefs
Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Kerri Kupec and KFUO moderator Kip Allen discuss the case of florist Barronelle Stutzman during a “Free to be Faithful” program.
Registration opens for 2017 national RSTM conference
The LCMS conference is set for Nov. 9-11 at the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel in Kansas City, Mo.
KFUO program to examine religious-liberty case of Barronelle Stutzman
A lawyer from Alliance Defending Freedom is the guest on Worldwide KFUO’s “Free to be Faithful” program on March 15.
KFUO Audio: Sweet Cakes by Melissa gets its day in court
Jeremy Dys, senior attorney with the First Liberty Institute, discusses the Sweet Cakes by Melissa court case with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen.