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LCMS Communications

Photo gallery: Lutherans and supporters protest Planned Parenthood in St. Louis

Lutherans and other supporters protest Planned Parenthood on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, outside the facility in St. Louis.

Photo gallery: Former Iowa webcam-abortion clinic now pro-life health center

Church and community members in Creston, Iowa, on Aug. 15 dedicated a pro-life pregnancy and women’s health resource center — the result of community efforts to repurpose a former Planned Parenthood facility known for conducting controversial telemedicine “webcam” abortions.

Synod officials say recent videos ‘lay evil bare’

The infanticide that is occurring at Planned Parenthood must end. It is not simply time to defund that organization; it is time to end abortion in the United States altogether.

KFUO Audio: His Time – Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Workshop on Sept. 30, 2015

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Deaconess Kim Schave, chairperson of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Domestic Violence and Child Abuse (DVCA) Task Force, and Stephen M. Saunders, Ph.D., a member of this DVCA task force, about the Workshop on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse being held on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo.

LCMS Mercy Medical Team in Chesinende, Kenya

The LCMS serves throughout the world, sharing the love of Christ in word and deed. Mercy medical teams (MMTs) are an effective example of this rich outpouring of the Gospel combined with service, as shown recently by the MMT that served alongside the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya in June.

Photo gallery: PALS Facilitator Training Conference – August 2015

A Post Seminary Applied Learning and Support (PALS) Facilitator Training Conference was held Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015, at the International Center of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Kirkwood, Mo.

National Mission: A New Way of Working Together

Although they have been several years in development, the LCMS Board for National Mission’s new policies now formally chart a course for the Synod’s Office of National Mission (ONM) as it works with and serves the Synod’s districts and other domestic entities and seeks to carry out the mission priorities established for it by the Synod in convention.

Harrison on Planned Parenthood controversy: ‘God is not silent’

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, responds to the Planned Parenthood controversy: “God is not silent. He has a word for us, too. He comforts us in the knowledge that the devil’s attempts are desperate and futile, for Jesus came to save people, regardless of their size.”

LCMS Statement on Boy Scouts of America Policy Change

LCMS issues statement on Boy Scouts of America policy change to allow openly homosexual adults to serve as scoutmasters or leaders in any capacity.

LCMS denounces Planned Parenthood

LCMS leadership reminds Lutherans that unborn lives matter

Photo gallery: July 2015 “Service of Sending” for LCMS missionaries

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod held a “Service of Sending” for its new missionaries on Friday, July 2, at the International Center in St. Louis. Twenty missionaries and their 40 family members attended a two-week orientation to prepare for service abroad.

Photo gallery: 2015 LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa

The 36th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was held June 25-28, 2015, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

Photo gallery: Nebraska church holds service one year after twin tornadoes

About 75 St. John Lutheran Church members and guests join the Rev. Terry Makelin, pastor of the church, for a Day of Supplication and Prayer service at St. John Lutheran Church on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, in Pilger, Neb. A year ago to the day, with the service almost to the hour, rare EF-4 twin twisters destroyed the church along with the majority of Pilger.

Synod president responds to SCOTUS same-sex marriage ruling

‘Ramifications of Court’s decision are seismic.’

LCMS U director offers encouragement, hope in wake of SCOTUS marriage ruling

LCMS U director reminds college students: “God has a habit of working great things out of dark moments.”

Marriage and Wedding Conference on June 30 in Hamel, Ill.

A pastoral conference about weddings and marriages is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, Ill.