Pastors are being asked to share with Lutheran Services in America (LSA) their experiences with problems they have had over the last year getting information that allows them to visit members and others in hospitals or nursing homes. Lisa Schiller…
Wheat Ridge calls for 'Youth Help, Hope' nominees
Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., is calling for nominations of high-school-age youth who are members of Synod congregations for its youth Health and Hope Award. Adult leaders (pastors, youth counselors and others) may nominate teenagers “who are living a lifestyle…
Below fills SMOs director post
Barbara A. Below began work March 1 as LCMS World Relief and Human Care’s (WR/HC) director of social ministry organizations (SMOs). That position has been vacant since Rev. Carl Toelke retired from it in October 2002. A licensed clinical social…
Concordia, Mequon, to host parish nurse, health conferences
Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, is sponsoring in June two educational conferences for parish nurses, congregational health workers and those interested in starting health ministries: The 12th annual Concordia Conference for Parish Nurse and Congregational Health Ministries is scheduled for June…
Kansas mission agency seeks volunteer bikers
The Children’s Christian Concern Society (CCCS), an LCMS recognized service organization based at the Kansas District office, is seeking volunteers to join “Biking Across Kansas,” a fund-raising event June 5-12 in northern Kansas. Volunteers can sign up for one day…
New resource helps evaluate non-LCMS worship material
The Synod’s Commission on Worship has developed a 32-page booklet to help pastors, musicians and others involved in worship planning assess the “acceptability” of worship material from non-LCMS sources. Titled “Text, Music, Context,” the new resource is the commission’s response to…
Center for U.S. Missions offers free e-newsletter
The Center for U.S. Missions is distributing a new resource for anyone interested in mission work in the United States. “Mission Moments” is a free newsletter that is e-mailed every two weeks to subscribers. The Center, based in Irvine, Calif.,…
LHM Web sites offer resources for Easter
Three Web sites developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries offer Lenten resources for adults and children: Information about the meaning of Lent and Easter, fasting, and Easter symbols such as eggs and rabbits, is available at Daily devotions are posted…
CPH offers leather Bibles at discount through July
Concordia Publishing House is offering its leatherbound Concordia Self-Study Bibles at a 25 percent discount through July 31. The NIV Bibles include Lutheran interpretive notes, a concordance and cross references, and are available in leather or bonded leather, black or…
Sourcebook offers stained-glass info
Sourcebook 2004, a publication of the Stained Glass Association of America, is available free to architects, congregations, liturgical consultants and other professionals active in fields that commission, maintain or work with stained glass. The Sourcebook features articles about stained glass,…
Board: Attorneys` letters raise many questions, `stir things up`
By Joe Isenhower Jr. The Synod’s Board of Directors says in its new online “Board Briefs VI” that recent letters from attorneys who disagree with the outside legal opinions that the Board commissioned last year “have raised many questions publicly…
Bob Hirsch dies; past Int'l LLL president
Dr. Robert W. (Bob) Hirsch, a former president of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL) and former member of the Synod’s Board of Directors, died of complications from an infection Feb. 24 at a Yankton, S.D., nursing home. A…
Ries accepts Foundation presidency
Rev. Thomas K. (Tom) Ries of Burnsville, Minn., has accepted the presidency of the LCMS Foundation, with plans to join the staff at the Synod’s International Center in St. Louis on Apri1 1. Ries, 49, has been vice president for…
Registration opens this month for Int`l LLL convention
Registration begins in mid-March for the 87th annual International Lutheran Laymen’s League convention, July 22-25 in Rapid City, S.D. Theme of the gathering is “Seek His Face,” based on Psalm 105:4. Designed for Christian families of all ages, this year’s…
Kieschnick: 'Critical event' is key to increases in adult confirmations
By Joe Isenhower Jr. SAN ANTONIO — “Multiplying the critical event” is the key to increasing the number of adult confirmations, Synod President Gerald Kieschnick told those at a “One Mission Ablaze: Igniting Congregations” event Feb. 13-14. Pastors and lay…
World Mission offers new, online resources
“Light for the Darkness,” a new worship service designed to help congregations celebrate Ablaze!, is now available free on the LCMS World Mission Web site at Ablaze! is LCMS World Mission’s initiative that seeks to reach 100 million people…