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LCMS Communications

LMI program highlights in Africa

Find a list of program highlights from the Lutheran Malaria Initiative’s work in Africa from the August issue of the LMI Update.

LMI’s outreach manager talks about her trip to Kenya

Dionne Lovstad-Jones, manager of Development Outreach for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, talks about her trip to Kenya in the August 2013 issue of LMI Update.

Church in community, higher education highlight final day of Synod convention

Religious freedom, campus ministry, churchwide multilingual capabilities, alternate route to the pastoral office, the church’s call process and structure were among the matters that came before the delegates to the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on the fifth and final day of business.

Convention adopts 11 more resolutions on witness

On the final day of the convention, delegates adopt resolutions supporting campus ministry and giving thanks for 100 years of work among Chinese peoples, among others.

Three adopted Administration, Finance resolutions end convention business

OK’d: procedures for veep ranking , floor nominations,; urging ‘conversation’ on CCM opinions

Convention continues, strengthens SMP distance-education program

Delegates adopt two resolutions related to the Specific Ministry Pastor program.

Harrison adjourns 2013 LCMS convention

The 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod was adjourned by President Matthew C. Harrison following a prayer service for safe travel.

Committee 7 wraps up convention business

Committee 7 on Structure and Ecclesiastical Matters brought three resolutions before the convention this morning.

Gieschen says ‘the unbaptized are all around’

On the final morning of the 2013 LCMS convention, the Rev. Dr. Charles Gieschen, professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., preached on the grace received in Baptism.

Adopted: resolutions to study call process, encourage daily family devotions

LCMS convention delegates adopt the last of 16 resolutions presented by the floor committee on Life Together.

Worldwide witness, support for national mission, church relations among key actions on day four of business at LCMS convention

For Immediate Release Contact: Vicki Biggs, 314-996-1236, 314-556-3829 (cell), @theLCMS, @LCMSConvention ST. LOUIS, July 24, 2013—On their fourth full day of business at the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, delegates worked swiftly to address numerous matters including…

Delegates united in support for Wittenberg Project

No debate necessary. The nearly 1,200 delegates to the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) unanimously affirmed a resolution yesterday calling for churchwide support of The Wittenberg Project, a venue for Christian education and a platform for Gospel proclamation in Wittenberg, Germany, the birthplace of the Reformation.

Delegates support continuing education of pastors

Delegates approve six higher-education resolutions, including one that establishes a standard for continuing education for pastors.

Convention elects Nazareth native fifth vice-president

“We are so busy writing programs and doing this and doing that, but we need to be about doing the business of the Church,” says the Rev. Nabil Nour.

Convention recognizes Lutheran Church of Togo as partner church

Begun by mission efforts of the LCMS in 1980, the Eglise Luthérienne du Togo (the Lutheran Church of Togo) has more than 30 congregations and preaching stations and 5,221 baptized members.

Delegates vote to support school, rural, black ministries; church revitalization, workers

The ministries of early childhood, elementary and secondary Lutheran schools were highlighted today among a whopping 13 “Life Together” resolutions adopted by delegates.