With Barbara A. Below The district convention season is in full swing, and important work…
Convention Corner provides updates (April 2012)
with Barbara A. Below Following is the first in a series of Reporter columns that…
Convention Corner (June 2012)
With Barbara A. Below The district convention season is in full swing, and important work…
Official Notice: 2013 Convention Nominations
Synod bylaw provisions require the secretary of the Synod to solicit on behalf of the…
Kieschnick closes convention
HOUSTON–In his final comments to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, Dr.…
LCMS delegates adopt worship, reformation study and compensation resolutions
HOUSTON—Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) adopted resolutions regarding…
Almstedt elected to International Mission board
HOUSTON—In the last election of the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, delegates…
Delegates vote to appoint Hispanic ministry strategist
HOUSTON–Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod here July 17 adopted…
Delegates adopt six resolutions on theology and church relations
HOUSTON–On July 17, the last day of business, delegates adopted Resolution 3-04 from the Floor…
Delegates authorize audits of outgoing boards
HOUSTON–Delegates to the national convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod called for a final financial…
Convention supports 'pastoral formation'
HOUSTON–Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod here July 17 adopted…
Convention addresses omnibus resolutions
HOUSTON–Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod here July 17 adopted…
Convention delegates complete balloting
HOUSTON—During voting today, all remaining elections were completed, including positions on the newly formed Board…
Delegates address prison ministry, violence/child abuse
HOUSTON—In three separate resolutions, the Floor Committee on Human Care (Committee 6) of the 64th…
Convention continues actions on structure
HOUSTON—Bylaw changes describing the role of circuits (local groupings of congregations) and methods for electing…
Dog tags ‘tell’ stories of three LCMS military chaplains
HOUSTON—Three LCMS chaplains shared with convention delegates first-hand accounts of their experiences serving as chaplains…