The Beautiful Feet Mission Conference — a gathering for mission-minded college students — is set for Nov. 12-14 at Concordia University, Nebraska, in Seward, Neb.
Free webinar offers advice on hoarding disorder
“Behind the Chaos: Compulsive Hoarding” is the topic of a free webinar scheduled for 1 p.m. Central Time Oct. 22.
Goeglein to address family, marriage, life, liberty in sem talk
The free presentation by Tim Goeglein is set for 7 p.m. Oct. 8 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Theological Symposium to discuss memory, faith connection
“In remembrance of me: Memory and the Life of Faith” is the topic of the Sept. 22-23 symposium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Registration opens for Oct. 12-14 urban-ministry conference
The conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., will target ways the church can bring Christ’s love to America’s greatest mission fields.
Senator to discuss tax-exempt status with LCMS
Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) will discuss the issue in a “Free to be Faithful” webinar Sept. 15 at 9 a.m. Central time.
Spots still open for National Disaster Response Conference
The free, annual conference — set for Oct. 6-9 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis — is open to church workers and anyone who is interested in disaster response.
Youth Gathering info on its way to congregations
A DVD mailed in mid-August will have information about registration and New Orleans — site of the July 16-20, 2016, event.
Second Infertility Ethics Symposium set for Fort Wayne
The free event, Nov. 7 at Concordia Theological Seminary, is open to pastors and laypeople.
St. Louis sem offers Lay Bible Institute Aug. 8
“Jesus and the Law in the Gospel of Mark” is the topic of the one-day event at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Seminary offers ‘Faith and Writing’ workshop
The Rev. Travis Scholl will co-lead the July 28-30 creative-writing workshop at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Registration opens June 1 for domestic-violence, child-abuse workshop
The LCMS Task Force on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse is sponsoring the Sept. 30 training event at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Registration opens for 2015 LFL National Conference
The 2015 Lutherans For Life National Conference is set for Oct. 30-31 in Petersburg, Ky., under the theme “Created, Redeemed, Called.”
DOXOLOGY: Finding Lutheran ‘voice’ on same-sex issues
Hosted by DOXOLOGY, the “Finding Our Voice” National Insight conference is set for Aug. 12-13 at Saint Louis University.
ADF legal counsel to discuss SCOTUS ruling in webinar
Jim Campbell, senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, is scheduled to lead an upcoming “Free to be Faithful” webinar on May 28.
Seminaries plan summer visitations
The two LCMS seminaries invite prospective students and their guests to visit their campuses during special events in June and July.