The new LCMS resource — “Faith, Hope and Love: A Threefold Response to 13 Reasons Why” — examines the popular Netflix series about teen struggles and suicide.
Reading & Study

‘Hope and Healing: A Bible Study’ shares Christ’s comfort with victims of sexual assault and violence
In Christ, there is hope and healing for survivors of sexual assault. The perfect peace of the Gospel is vital for women who are suffering.

CPH releases ‘Journal Edition’ of Study Bible
Each page includes extra-wide margins to provide space for handwritten notes, and it’s on sale.

Feed My Lambs – Bible Study
The purpose of the five-session study is to explore how members of the body of Christ demonstrate love and compassion to people in need as an expression of faith.

CPH releases new Spanish-language study Bible
“La Biblia de la Reforma” (The Bible of the Reformation), from Concordia Publishing House, may be ordered in hardback and leather versions.

CPH offers last of Self-Study (NIV) Bibles
There are only a few thousand left at Concordia Publishing House, and this particular translation won’t be reprinted.

Bible study, video complement Luther’s prayer guide
A free, two-part Bible study and video on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray” are now available for free download.